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Friday, May 02, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
OKAY. the weather is freaking hot. cannot tahan alr. haha. i'l try my best to continue blogging, i suppose. i'l try my best (:

wednesday. went school for CAS tut. ended at arnd 12, then went to help out abit at the investment club pushcart. dalina was FINALLY there. haha. without her none of us could do the henna thing. ohoh! and i think, she's super talented. hahaha. i can do that thing a hundred times, and not draw as well as her. i suck at freehand drawing please. i can only draw that only if im like, provided with a dozen erasers or something. LOLOL. im serious. haha. at least im honest right! :D

went over to ig book sales at 1 to help them. damn funny. i ended up playing bridge with wk, edric, xm and junhao. cool. we taught xm and junhao how to play. sense of accomplishment leh! :D :D :D OHOH! i almost forgot. i brought jelly that day for them to try too. WALLAO. edric complained he was eating rubber. hahahahaha. seriously! *faints* its supposed to be like that one kay! haha. its not your normal soft soft jelly. lol. the rest said it was nice kay! tsktsk. perception. hahaha. xD

played till arnd 4 then i went back home. dropped some stuffs, settled some matters, then went out to meet ian. damn long nv see him alr can. haha. i mean, it was awkward last time la. but i think, now, ok le. I THINK. lol. we just went to have dinner, catch a movie then he sent me to cityhall mrt at 930 cos i was meeting the clique there to celebrate hoishek's bday. ok la. a conclusion ive got. i think my performance was not bad. at least i could converse properly. HAHAHA. okay enough enough.

so he was with me at the mrt stn waiting for the rest till i saw ann&jo, then he went off. bob&hs came, followed by gina&yifang, guozhi&eric. so yup! that was the attendance for the day. by the time all reached was alr 10plus. walked to clarkquay. wanted to go clinique, but it was toooo crowded. plus! it was outside. so no aircon. hahaha. so we went to some other pubs with aircon and settled nicely there (:

omg i tell you damn disappointing. hahaha. its like, such a rare time i could go out THAT late. and the guys were all dead by 12.40. omgwth. hahaha. 40mins into the night they cmi alr! lol. i kinda almost fell asleep at one point in time inside. too boring alr. they ordered 1whiskey bottle, 12shots, 2shirley temple. the 2shirley temple was for me&gina. eh not bad leh. quite nice (: anw its mocktail la. lol. that was the first time i heard of mocktail. curious thou. i can understand why mocktail refers to non-alcoholic drinks. so why do they call it cocktail? hahaha. just curious(:

ANYWAYS. so by like, 1am in the morning, hoishek puked. HAHAHA. the birthday boy. lolol. eric was damn damn happy about it. he achieved his aim. so mean right. haha. so we faster got outta that place. oh and, when we went outta there, i realised my wallet was missing. LOL. i panic sia. wallao. then find find find. 15mins later, i called korkor at home, to check if my wallet was at home, and it was. HAHA. i got scolded like crazy. cos i got everyone worried too. lol. sorry! =x planned to go makan sutra to have supper, since they couldnt drink anymore. but! hs cmi alr. he was practically standing sleeping. lol. so we all cabbed home. sighs. by the time i reached home only 3am lo. like, waste. haha. but okay la. i also quite tired. plopped to sleep the moment i hit the bed.

awoken by stella's call the next morning at 11.50am. i was supposed to meet them all at simei mrt at 10.30am. LOL. i totally forgot about it. ok la. not say forget. my alarm didnt wake me up.
OKOK. i didnt set an alarm. i forgot to. haha.
fine. i give up. i remembered, but i was too lazy to set the alarm. somehow i was hoping i'd miraculously wake up at 930am to get there on time. haha. sorry lo. too tired alr.

sooo, by the time i met them it was 1 already. went hana's house to bake the stuffs. wah. tell you. the cookie, i smell alr, can vomit. hahaha. not that its not nice, but! smell too much alr. seriously damn nauseating. i swear. lol. baked cookies all the way till 7plus at night. decided to sit bus instead of mrt. i was hoping i'd get some nice sleep on bus22. instead all i got was a stupid headache from that 2hr journey. T.T by the time i got home, alr like 930pm lah. sigh. why is tp so far. why is hana's house so far. why cant singapore be smaller?

i know im procrastinating. hahaha. sorry cant help it. the weather's too hot. im going kuku already. HOTHOT! okay. i dont care alr. im going to on aircon. byebye


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