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Saturday, May 24, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
alicia's graduation was yesterday. damn cool. i wanna graduate tooooo! :D

had BOE and apel before that. so sadly, i couldnt attend her ceremony. ): sorry! ANYWAYS, i went to find her straight after BOE. hahah. but seriously! i think the graduation coat can look loads nicer please. =x duno. didnt like it. haha. so went to find her, took some pictures. hilarious! me&ahyee took turns to wear that coat to take pictures. omg. i totally look like a penguin in that can! it was damn big. hahah. no kidding! chatted with ahyee and isabelle for awhile, then ahyee went back to work while i went to eat lunch with alicia. felt so bad can! ): cos i only had one hour break. it was supposed to be 3hours! but there was makeup pca tut for vesak day sooo.. ): couldnt eat her mensa with her as a result. seriously v sorry. her last time eating at tp alr. HAIYOO. ok nvm. i shall pull her to tp again before she goes off. im sooo going to miss her. SHE'S GOING TO MISS SPENDING MY 18TH BIRTHDAY WITH ME YOU KNOW?? thats like, the first time it happened in EIGHTEEN years. owells. ):

kay so after pca was law tut. ended at 5 for that. went for yr1 subcomm interview at 5. hilarious. kay no comments. but they are like, damn enthu luhs. omg. hahah. but i think its partly due to the job well done for our orientation workshop :D :D :D after the interviews we stayed back to discuss matters and the whole thing ended at 8. omg. i will die if this continues.

one week to exams. kay. i promised myself not to come back using the computer. even if i do, it'l only be for schoolwork. like cas and stuffs. PLEASE! tell me off when u see me online k (: but of cos if im really doing work then dont la! haha. kay. im off to do my boe proposal now. im late in submission already. tsktsk.

i said it once, i said it a million times. its totally disappointing. but. haiya i duno already. seriously, a word for you. stop being so obstinate. listen, understand and accept. i have nothing else to say already. oh and please stop being so rude. thats one particular thing i cannot stand. give others the respect they deserve please. i dont think we deserve that kind of treatment from you.

ok im sorry.


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