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Tuesday, March 04, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
ahh. im back, tired. the past 2 days were damn fun. ok maybe not both days, but today was a blast. :D loved it loads.

oh and we recieved our positions alr. im asst logs. hahah. i wanna clarify sth. think taohuay thought i was unhappy or sth. lol. im alright with the positions and stuffs lah. logs is fine with me too. its tiring but fun (: i helped out logs today too. think i was too tired to really react properly to what he was saying. practically drifting to sleep standing while he was talking. LOL.

it was a pure water based game today. but we had this fruit relay thing first thing in the morning. station 1 was an apple in a pail of water. we had to finish the apple till the core without touching the apple itself. station 2 was watermelon. finish up the whole watermelon without touching the watermelon itself also. station 3 was longan. pop the whole longan into your mouth and spit the skin out. station 4 was the worst of all. it was a mix of papaya, chinchao, banana, pepper, black soya sauce. OMG. damn disgusting i tell you. it seriously looks like shit. as in, practically shit. hahah. but it doesnt taste as bad la, but not that good either. i think dalina vomited after eating that. LOL. my team kinda just poured the whole bowl into the drain that was coincidentally just beside us. hahah. they keep complaining that my team cheats. but its like, cant stop them one. from day1 i tell them not to cheat until now they still cheat. then i sian alr. i mean, if they're having fun, we've reached our purpose what. so i didnt really care much about that part. lol.

the part with most fun was the zongjimima and the lollipop game. hahah. we played zongjimima by team. it goes whereby a person chooses a number and the rest guesses. the group who guessed the number would be poured a bucket of water EACH by the other groups. meaning every group each has a bucket of water which they can use to pour other people. teehees. damn fun. i was dragged down to play with my team cos they said teamleaders had to participate too. hahah. our group was the first to hit jackpot. OMG. damn wet can! i was practically dripping with water like a leaking tap. LOL. i sworn i couldve squeezed at least half a bucket of water outta my shirt and pants. its like, 4pails of water on you sia. PLUS, they aimed me cos i was main comm. wth. so annoying!! hahaha. and i even got saboed by my own teammates. how great. they just came and poured a whole bucket of water down onto me. IDIOTS. hahahaha. i swear, i will get back at them SOMEDAY. weekuang and yoro. i'l remember this. both of them idiots also chased me round the field like, duno how many times just to throw water bombs at me luhs! ANNOYING! hahah.

but okay la! t'was darn alot of fun today. (: althou there were screwups here and there, it was kind of a success on the overall. great job done. im hoping we have more of these. :D

alrights. the people from my supposed work called me to scold me today. 'cos i was supposed to report for work today when i didnt. okayy.. was kinda hoping they would tell me i didnt have to go anymore but they told me to report at 8am tmr. i was like, WHHHHAAAATTT?! i mean, obviously in my heart lah. cant possibly say that out. hahah. so, yeaa. means ive gotta get my butt outta house at 6.45am tmr morning since the location is ITE Simei.. T.T damn sad. damn tired. owells. nvm. got money one :D its only another 2 days, then im free easy and peasy (: jiayoous. damn hungry. i havent even had my dinner yet. look at the time! tsktsk.

shall upload the photos taken during workshop asap when i recieve them.


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