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Thursday, February 21, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

our proposal got approved, WITHOUT BEING SENT BACK EVEN ONCE. yeaaa. damn happy :D so happy that im not in the mood to study anymore. HAHAHA. okok. excuses. i know. i seriously still dont have the feeling of having an exam tmr. reality hasnt quite struck me yet. darn. ive now completed, 5 chapts of MBS alr. 7 more to go, to be finished by today. hohoho. i get the feeling i'l be deadd. its like, just hope i can scrape through this. thats also another reason why i wanted to do well for the projects. hahahaha. its supposed to help pull my grades up.

righty righty right. i think ive gotta eat. then get back to studying soooonn. (: im really starting to worry for my results alr =/ byebye!


just saw some bloody fucking thing. im sorry. but im damn angry. like whats her bloody fucking problem. it was hx who told me it was similar, that i went to see. dont fucking accuse people before you even get your facts right. neither do i believe in such things but it happened so fuck off bitch. and i seriously dont know whats your fucking problem man. dont come using these words when you dont even know.

OK i apologise for scolding all that. but seriously. its super childish for you to be doing that. please grow up.

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