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Monday, February 11, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
today, was kinda boring. hahaha. after school went out with geez, alex and scott. went Peninsular Plaza. omg. i seriously didnt know that it was located in cityhall. always thought it was in little india or whatever. =/ guess i need to go out more often. lol. went there cos scott needed some pics for his CDS prj, and alex needed a watch. and i think, if you all wanna get a watch, its a good place to go. lol. 40% leh. omg. mai siao. and theres all sortsa brands there. casio and seigo (or however u spell. forgot alr.) not bad. quite cheap.

walked around..then settled at kfc for dinner. scott left aft that and we continued shopping. hahaha. alex was determined to get a top. spent quite some time shopping around. in the end, guozhi bought a top and alex bought a cap. HAHA. i cant believe i was haggling the prices for them man. the original shirt outside was 199. haggled and he sold to us at 45 (: damn cheap alr lah. considering its real one. haha. not bad not bad. my skills are improving.

ALRIGHTS. i was supposed to start studying today alr. and i didnt!! omg. im soooo deadd. =x its 12.21am now btw. so nice. hahaha. kays! blog another day. byebye!


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