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Wednesday, February 20, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
suddenly reminded of the other time i danced salsa with luke for razmatazz concert. yes i know. random. lol. just kinda thought about that when i was looking at huixin's frenster. she&eugeneng were in too. and i realised i know quite a number of people with same names.

eugeneng. eugenegoh. eugenelim.
joelang. joelkwa.
johngoh. jonathantan- cousin. jonathantan- tp.jonathan(senior. duno surname)
alexng. alexander(alex for short)
joannechia. joanne(phs)
phebe. phoebe.

actually i think theres still somemore. but my mind kinda blanked out suddenly so, yea. haha. about there la.

damn BORING. stupid mbs is killing me. our class got some tips from our tchr the other time. we were sooo happy. in the end we realised the tips were for the supp and not main paper. good thing? i havent started studying that part she gave us tips on yet. bad thing? TIPS ARE GONE! T.T uber sad ): sighs.

time now's 4.25pm. 12chaptsof mbs to go. 3chapts done, 9chapts to go. OUT OF THE 3 CHAPTS DONE, 2chapts are like, floating somewhere in my head. cant really rmb. 1chapt is kinda vague. sighs. my processer speed's kinda slow now. i think its cos of memory overload. in need of extra ram. please buy me one (:

KAY. i think like, the last chapt is breaking apart already. mid-floating somewhere in my brain. after friday's mbs is monday's ob. omg thats worse. 13chapts plus more points to memorise T.T eugene please go away. u will not be entertained on sat. hahaha.

righttto. outta here. oh and ive recieved my retainers alr. sucks. lol. im beginning to talk like alex alr =/ HAHAHA. no offences but,yea. hahaha. my mum's been like, poking fun at the way i talk ever since ive got them =.= okok. study. BYEBYE! (:


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