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Wednesday, February 13, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
i went into the lift this morning. saw my neighbour. her boyfriend was going overseas so they cant spend valentines tgt tmr. then when we walked outta the lift, saw her boyfriend holding this BIG BUNCH of roses on his hand, tgt with a really big bear bear. SO SWEET!! he couldnt make it tmr so he was gonna spend it in advance today with her. damn damn sweet. hahaha. but i think, if wait at her school there even sweeter. ok random. lol. but the bear was uber cute i tell u. damn big and cuddly. hahaha. (:

tmr's valentines! everyone's in sucha lovey dovey mood. haha. andand! its xinying's birthday tmr. I NEVER FORGET HO!! im so nice right :D

18yrs old le. grow up ho! hahaha. okok. i shall be nice. i wish u can grow taller this year. LOL (:

i smsed her happy birthday. this was the reply i got:

Haha thanks sweet! So honoured you still rmb me in that pea brain of yours! Missed you truckloads too pls! You cuckoo, i'll be waiting fr your call aft exams!

hahaha. so annoying! i was so nice to still rmb to wish her happy bday and what i got back was pea brain and cuckoo. whhhaaattt?! hahaha. i was bickering with her online. soo nice. kinda reminds me of the days we used to quarrel with each other ((:

alrights! im supposed to start on my revision alr. but i think, i dont have the mood. lol. thou shalt start after dinner. this i promise myself. exams are like, next friday. OMGWTH. im like, outta time here. hello~ time to wake up.! ok. i shall go sleep now. then when i wake up later, i'l be in the mood for studying (: BYEBYE!

happy valentines in advance again! (:


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