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Tuesday, February 26, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
how great. 3 out of 4 papers screwed. was stupid enough to do all 3 essay questions for ob when i only had to do 2. omg. WTH. thats like, 20marks gone. cos i didnt know how to do the second question. and knowing their pattern, they're going to accept the first 2 and leave out the 3rd one which im damn confident. this sucks, big time. busstats today was another goner. i got my formulas right, but i subbed the wrong values in. i was supposed to use sample mean to estimate population mean but i used STANDARD DEVIATION. wthomg. =/ i really feel so stupid sometimes. these are like, stupid marks lost ok. like that, 40marks gone alr. T.T to think i even woke up specially at 4 to study for that. hahaha. i even studied till i vomited la! mama says its 'cos im not having enough sleep. lol. im still having a fever. =/

damn stupid.

at least macro wasnt sucha disappointment. BUT, i got my formula for labour force participation rate wrong. damn. 4marks gone. there goes my hope of a Z. ):

on a happier note, tmr's FA. woots. after that, IM A FREE EASY AND PEASY! ((: actually not quite.. seeing im like, most prolly gonna have to retake supp paper for MBS.. not that free afterall eh? damn why cant we just burn the whole buncha books up. its seriously getting more and more of an eyesore alr. getting sore eyes just by looking at them. tsktsk. burn&drink. the ultimate way to get your Z. (:

freaking irritating. MSN had available updates, i installed them. now its causing me problems. firstly, i couldnt sign in. didnt have any problems to repair too. almost wanted to delete the whole freaking messenger. hahah. went to the 'uninstall' programs there, and lucky lucky me. i found the REPAIR function. lol. so for now, my messenger works. BUT, i cant sign into my hotmail. and many other freaking things too. the colour scheme aint nice anymore. mine was supposed to be hotpink. now the hotpink somehow turned into some blood-red colour. dont believe i show u.

SEE! uber ugly lah! thats blood red not hotpink. i shouldnt have downloaded the new version. T.T but i like the colour scheme for the conversations though.

compare the colours, you see the difference. oh and i VERY CONVENIENTLY recorded evidences also. hahah. SEE! he still say nv bully me. stupid cousin. pfft. haha.

ALRIGHTS. im kinda supposed to be currently studying for fa sooo.. yeaa. no mood to BUT! hahah. yea la. going alr. BYEBYE!


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