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Friday, February 15, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
alrights. i got back my prj results for MBS alr. it was a freaking B+. wth. i dont see why i cant get an A . craps. she said she marked us down cos the other classes scored badly. DAMN SAD CAN! ): okok. now for an update of all my results.

MBS - B+
OB - A
FA - A
Macro - A

OB - B+
FA - A
Macro - A
BusStats - B+

thats a freaking gpa of 3.8. wth. if u'd add my 1st sem's horrible results, and not to mention the terrible psycho, its going to drop to a incorrigible score of about 3 only. !!!!!!!!!! i cant imagine. PLUS, with main exams, its going to go down till where i cant even bear to think about it.. sighs. im superrr not in the mood to study nowadays. KAY! im going to study with shar tmr, and sw on sunday. must remind myself to focus. this is going to be tough. 13chapts of OB, 12chapts of MBS to memorise. whole book of busstats and macro to practice from scratch. even MORE practice to be done for FA. T.T someone please help me. im going to be buried by all my thoughts already. hahaha.

but ho, even though i say all that, i still feel kinda relaxed now. haha! i know i have alot of things to complete, but im just not in the mood to start yet thou.. prolly officially start only TMR. how sad. lol. got a feeling i wont have enough time..but yea. we'l see how it goes. dont think i'l be going online that often alr. since i'l be studying, hopefully. kays! stop here. sleepy. meeting ally at 930am tmr. mygawd. to think its a saturday. okok. BYEBYE!


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