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Saturday, February 09, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
HAHA. just won like, around 30plus at mahjong. kena scolded. cos i played with my yeye, aunt and older cousin. PLUS, im on homeground, soo..yeaa. hahah. abit paiseh also. i think i have really good luck today. after mahjong went to play blackjack and i won another 10plus. LOL. considering i played like, 20c per bid, its quite alot u know. boh pian cant play too big. cos got kiddys there. oldest pri 3 leh. then my cousin's bf be banker. hehe. most of my revenue came from him (: but i think i used up all my luck alr. after my relatives all went back i played blackjack again with papa&mama. omg. lost all i had. hahaha. but i only used $4plus to play soo..yea. not so bad. hahaha. mama won eth. omg. lol. but alright lah. kai xin jiu hao. least i still won quite abit :D

you might think im having pms. i myself think im having pms. get these moodswings these days. dont even know why. dont like the feeling. its like, when ure playing happily, suddenly u get really moody and feel like crying. that feeling..duno how to describe. but i get it really often these days. not that im particularly upset or whatever. its just a random feeling of wanting to cry. omg. i think im too stressed alr. lol. im damn worried for bus stats. ): after tmr, revision lecture starts. then, study week, then exams. OMG. seriously. i can die for you to seeeee. =/ im like, daaaaamn worried for my results. my present results are like, !#$@#%$@%$. sighs. all i can think of are exams exams and more exams these few days. ): really hope i wont screw it up. phobia alr. screwed up psycho. my gpa's gonna go down DOWN DOWN.

alrights! i'l blog till here for now. i'l need to work on homework sooon.. spent like, 1hr plus just doing the first qn the other day. omg. i think i might need the whole day to finish it tmr. *gulps* ok shall go rest now. byebye! (:


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