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Saturday, April 09, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
EXAMS ARE COMING! seriously. lets recap what i did.

PBF - chapter 1,2,4
ISORG - chapter 1,2,3,4,5
HRM - Individual Pay and Rewards System
FR - didnt exactly study chapter by chapter, just did all the revision questions. mainly on tax thou.

LIKE WHAT THE FREAKING HELL. exams are like, 3weeks away! sigh. im really getting sick of theseeeeeee. tmr school's till 10pm. ): my head for some reason keeps chanting data model. socio-technical system. management science, computer science and operation-something. minimal interaction with people, used when there is low communication within organisation. HDB upgrading case : majority votes yes, minority pays even thou they voted no. Judge case : intermediary taken away, communication breakdown, longer time to deliberate on sentence for criminals. SIM case : can tap card and go.

HAHAHA. random i know. i was just trying to recall all i studied. oh and one thing, i was just trying to pack my bag for tmr, and i realised I LOST MY ISORG STUDY GUIDE LOL WHATTHEHECK! i dont understand how i could have lost it! never ever brought it out of the house, not my room even! and i just cant seem to find it! ): sigh. guess i'll have to make do with the notes. seriously uh. HRM revision was a total waste of time. never give hints one. and most of the time she just keeps going "1, 2, 3, effective communication". LOL seriously. i mean, WE are the ones who're supposed to say the word 'effective communication' after she says 1 2 3, but nobody did that hahah. so she ended up saying it herself for the whole 12hours. doesnt ever drop the 1 2 3 thou. makes me laugh everytime she says that hahaha. i mean, coupled with her british slang and everything. quite a funny sight lol. just her stubborness to continue with the 1 2 3 is more than enough i tell you. a funny lady, nice one at that. her accent wasnt that bad that i had to request for a subtitle. but the contents were like.. !@#$ lol.

hope ISORG will be better tomorrow! wish me luck people.

maybe its because i talked about it so much yesterday, im beginning to feel a little..wierd.

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