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Saturday, April 16, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
i feel fat! and fat like, unhealthy fat.

monday: mos burger & subway
tuesday: kfc
wednesday: popeye
thursday: macs
friday: its a long one.

lemme elaborate. met up w serena in school to study! we were supposed to meet at 11, but i woke up at 11 ): so sorry! haha. so yea lo. i rushed to pack my bags and everything, took a cab, reached at 1130. we went to makan place to eat. ate jap! then we went np lib to study. it was like, 1230? yeah. study study study, i wanted my skittles! ): i was in a hurry to get out and i forgot to bring it alonggggg! hahah. so we went to get some titbits. so i ate like tonnes of candy and the strawberry yoghurt! brings back memories! i always drank that in tp hahah. awww <:

so anyway, ate all the rubbish food at like 3plus, then went back to study. lib closed at 530, so we went off in search for another place to study! climbed (literally) back to makan place, and we ate waffle ice-cream plus strawberries! HAHA. its not bad leh actually. so hmm. yaa. studied there for about an hour or so, then went back home! reached home at 730, mummy bought subway for me! plus corn soup from mos. such a fulfilling day!

then for supper, kelvin came home at around 10 w fillet burger. apparently theres this one-for-one promo, so he went to buy. ate the whole fillet burger! NOW you see why i say i feel unhealthily fat. hahaha. i feel greasyyyyy. yuckk

anyway, theres like gongcha in amk! =O i didnt even ever notice! hahaha. and apparently its been there longer than koi has been. z. dont know what the hell it was doing, hiding from me. hahaha. so going to try it someday.

today is rest day! no studying. tmr continue (:

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