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Friday, May 07, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
ALOHAA! its a friday! i should be happy! exhilarated! joyous beyond words! ------ BUT I AM NOT! ): stupid work. stupid stupid work. why. tell me why its so unfair. its not like i didnt work. i worked the last saturday! shouldnt it be at least fair to rotate the duties since not everyone has to go? it just pretty much sucks to be working on a saturday! ):

okay today was pretty fun. minus the heat, the sore feet, blisters aaaand the countless number of staring banglas, it would've been just about purrrrrrrrfect. motivation for me to head to work these days are actually the aircon i tell you. if iras's aircon wasnt so cooling, i wouldnt even step outta house! haha. today was better at work. at least i had company! eugene changed to sit beside me, calendar changed to sit on the other side of me & jx changed to sit on the other side of calendar! hahaha. how fun fun funnnn! :D time pretty much flew past, and not to mention i had a buddy today. adopted from jx, that is. haha! his name is raffles. LOL. i seriously cant pronounce his name properly. its supposed to be ralfies or something. sounds like a malay, but he speaks perfect english and looks like he's mixed! funny words come outta his mouth esp when he speaks chinese. hahah.

oh anw, i recently caught hold of a twilight book at work! since work's that boring, most are already bringing books to read since who-knows-when. so theres like a ready influx of books anywhere around the corners. that day when i was at eugene's table i saw that book! and apparently its un-claimed, so i borrowed to read (: AND THE BEST THING! calendar saw me reading, and offered giving his New Moon book to me for free. like, WOW. he said the wrapper wasnt even unwrapped and everything! lol. im soooooooo... surprised! and elated, in fact. :D

after work i headed to cityhall to wait for hs. shopped and got a gift for mum! after that i sat at macs to wait for her cos i was soooooo tired from walking! she reached, we deliberated and decided to have dinner at subway first! so we sat, talked, gossiped and came to the conclusion that she's a orange. lol. after eating, we took a stroll/walk/long distance walking-marathon. first we walked to the far end of marina sq (the place you normally end up when you come out from the theatres at gv), then we decided it was best to head back to citylink and walk to esplanade from there. at esplanade, we walked out the wrong exit again. so we had to retract and walk out the other side. after like 10-15mins, we finally reached that funny new bridge near Marina Bay Sands! we walked, talked, camwhored. haha okay maybe not literally camwhored. but we met this two ladies! hongkongers i think. they were so nice! we asked them to help us take a photo using our not-so-professional camera phones and she wasnt happy with the results. so in the end? she took a photo of us using her DSLR. LOL. she even went as far as to arrange the positions and poses we had and not to mention huishan's hair, before taking the photo! like professional only. hahaha. turns out she was a director, supposedly. woaaa. so yep. she took the photos and said she'l send them to us via email. nice uh! hahah. free photoshoot! tan-dio.

so after that we bid our goodbyes and continued on our journey to the casino. haha! walked walked walked then we reached MBS! SO COOOOOOOL. the guy that took the photo for us at the entrance was soooo funny. first guy took a lousy photo. but since he already took 2, we didnt want to bother him. so there was this guy who hs was making eye-contact w and he finally took the initiative to offer his services. LOL. hs you got chance! he said nice pose. (ey or was it the first one that said that. aiya cant rmb)

so after walking walking walking, we got tireddd! hahah. we sat downstairs and had tiramisu! not that bad la. at least the coffee taste wasnt too strong! (: rested our feets, did some funnily-stupid tests, chatted some more and then headed to the hotel! walked two rounds and i was kinda dead by then. lol. so we headed to the concierge to ask for directions. crazy. their concierge machiam free one. turn one corner and you see a concierge. haha. oh mbs is also building a canal, totally venetian-style. so copycat. haha. that were our first impressions. okay anw, so we were deciding whether or not to take Pomegranate(CCL) or Marina Bay(red line). apparently, marina was closer(15mins walk) as compared to pomegranate(20mins walk) so we chose marinaa!

THE CRAZIEST THING EVER. haha. we walked and walked with NO AIM. literally. we didnt know where we were going, so the best decision ever? Trust the Strangers. (: we followed this couple that were walking in front of us deciding that somehow their destination would also be marinabay. LOL. and we were right! hahah. didnt like the path they took us on thou. packed with tonnes of banglas all along the way. machiam little india. hated the stares, their expressions and their gestures. but what to do, it was late! and darkness was their haven. we just hugged a little closer to each other and walked as fast as our sore legs could take us. haha. so felt like punching his face when this stupid guy in front kept turning back to lookstare and SMILE at us. that smile made me sick to the max. seriously felt like wiping the lewd smile off his face. give him a punch right in the middle of his nose. best if i can break some bones. LOL. seriously! disgusting pervert.

so now im home sweet homeee! ive gotta bathe, then try to find the pdf of some books. ugh. can someone please tell me a site to download e-books. i want The Vampire Diaries! kay thats all. goodbye!

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