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Sunday, May 02, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)

kay blame not. i was the one who balantly refused to go anyways. i might just be a lil' bummed up about it. just a little. ): SIGH.

fine lets talk about the happier stuffs. dont know if i mentioned, but my house's a pro-singtel house now. we're their loyal customer for every electrical connections i tell you. the home phone, the handphone, the internet connection and now the tv! i was all along with starhub for their scv, and my dad just had to cancel the scv just cos the soccer's now changed to mio! the Barclay's Premier League or whatever i think. sickening. and you know what? mio sucks. the tv just keeps jamming! the only good thing is that they have tonnes and tonnes of pre-recorded shows and serials inside. including gossipgirl! haha. what a surprise. saves me the download. heroes and a buncha shows like CSI and whats-not are all inside. so yep. take out the jamming part, it'd make things so much better.

okay anyway, the mio's been with us for like, 2-3weeks already. and today, a greater surprise came! my dad subscribed back to scv again! apparently he isnt such a big fan of mio too. but anyway, its cos its free la. for the first 3mths. so no harm. therefore, ive now got two set-top boxes! with the mio hardly touched anyway. haha. starhub is so much better. without the soccer, i dont see how mio can survive! they really need to improve the jamming part i think, and improve on their channels. althou i dont deny there are many shows, it doesnt appeal. most are series from a few years back. least w scv i get a whole load of choices. so much better.

mm. i was just re-reading what i typed just now, and then i thought it might be a lil too complain-y. i was even thinking of deleting it cos you people reading it might have comments. but what-the-hell. its my blog. i have the freedom right. okay its random. but i was just thinking. sometimes some people just cant seem to keep their comments to themselves. *some. dont deny that im not one of those after self-reflecting. but hey, at least im trying to reduce that! doesnt help if some people continues adding fuel to the fire beside right. *some. and when they do that, i'l just get pissed and rebut, and thats where it all starts again. ohwell.

i just realised, this whole entry suddenly got so out-of-point! oh nevermind. its already 11.47pm. im gonna bathe and get ready for work tmr! so many people on leave, its gonna be a busy busy day! (:

p.s : happy 19 months baby! iloveyou. have a safe trip, enjoy yourself and hurry back to my side! (:

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