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Tuesday, April 20, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
think its time for a revamp here.

so anyway, i was just blog hopping. omgosh. been like, eons since i last did that i tell you. dont even feel like touching my comp these days. must be the side effects of work. im even starting to get migranes! okay thats beside the point. the main point is, i realise everyone's tweeting! tweeting as in tweeter tweet. FUN MEH?! i think i created one like, 500 years ago, but i gave up using it cos i didnt know how to. sounds familiar. think i did that with my fb when alicia first made me sign up for it. haha. okay. maybe i'll start tweeting. sounds like tweety bird. OKAY WHATEVER.

dont know whats going on with me these days. the paranoia. must. be. the. stupid. letter. dammit. i feel so so so so lost. what if the letter doesnt come? what if.. what if.. what if.. !! sickeningg. i need God's guidance ): i desperately need Him to pave the way for me.

work these days were okay. slack in fact. and viola! this girl here's going to end work at 430pm from NOW on (: dont understand why jx hates that so much. haha. ohwell! kay thats all. my eyes are getting tired. cant seem to last more than an hour in front of the comp these days. blame work. haha. kay goodbye.

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