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Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)

feels like everyone is sick! papa's sick, wk's sick, eugene's sick.. okay thats about all. hahah. but ive been hearing lots of sniffing and sneezing in the office though. weather's turning cold. must take more care!

today was the deadline for paper filling. im inclined to think my days from tmr onwards will only get better! almost literally dozed off to sleep while on the line today. so freaking tired i tell you. :| i want back my 830 reporting time, and most importantly i want by my ONE HOUR LUNCH! sickening to have only half hour lunch i tell you. cant even delay for one minute. the second you see the clock strike to your lunchtime, get your butt off the chair and zooooooom to the cafe. there, either you queue for the cai fan or the fish soup (thats what most choices are anyway. somehow the malay food's unappetizing). after you gobble up your food in 10mins, you can be given an allowance of 5mins to get a drink then head back to office with 5mins left normally taken up by the time used to shift to your new place after lunch. soooo routine andddd.. boring. ):

ah okay thats about enough. im gonna sleep. bye.

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