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Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
cant even get a whiff of fresh air in here nowadays.

so anyway, remember i was saying about the wrong address attached to my particulars?
(oh wait. i didnt mention it here.) kay here goes. outta curiousity, i flipped my own records out. horrifyingly, it appears my address was apparently some jurong east one (whatthehell right). then i ran checks on the family there and realised there was this guy born days after me, on christmas itself. even our ic only differs by the last digit. lol. i knew it! i knew it all long! ive always suspected i was picked up from the rubbish bin since young. my mum confirmed that story a gazillion times ): hahah. kidding.

they gave us swiss rolls at work today. like, woaaaaaaaaaaaah! from Polar too! like since when were they so generous please. all we've ever gotten so far are tins and tins of never-ending Khong Guan Biscuits. hahah. apparently they claimed to have already spent over a thousand on those biscuits. :| i really wonder how they accomplished that. lol. anyway i told papa about the swiss rolls. he said things like "take our money you eat hao liao". IN WHAT WAY IS SWISS ROLL HAO LIAO?! maybe he eat too much cai fan already. must bring him out soon.

work these days have been fairly hectic. today was quite crazy as well. hahah. i refused to manual in cos it was 5 already, i was just waiting for the bell to ring so i can go. then this sup walked past me and purposely manual in-d for me. LIKE WALLAO. haha. lucky the call nobody pick up.

kay im gonna go. BYE.

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