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Friday, January 01, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
okay. im back. because i have the urge to blog suddenly.

newyear's great. the first time the alcohol drinking thing got so bad for me, at least. hahah. but wait! at least i didnt get the dreaded hangover. no headaches! :D im quite proud for that ho. HAHAHA.

kayy. on the other hand, im feeling a little bad. my phone went dead, so i didnt see the missed calls and messages my parents sent to tell me to get home earlier. they were praying for my grandmother today. :| omg. i feel horrible nowww.

oh by-the-way, last night was awesomeeeeeee! first i met wk at guozhi's house where they played mj. played till around 4plus then headed over to 85 for fooood. after which, we met the others at tm mac to decide our plans for the remaining hours of 2009. we discussed for like maybe 1hour, and plus the 3hours they were there before, its makes up to a total of 4! hahaha. crazyy i tell you. break record already. & after much deliberation, we were left w the choice of tim's house & pub. LOL. pubbing is like soooooooo expensive! money-sucking i tell you, literally. so it was decided in the end to head to tim's house!

wk&ken headed home first, eric went to his friend's place, so it was left w only tim edric & me. so we bought liquor&mixers at his house's supermarket before going up. seriously uh, his house machiam resort like that. HAHAHA. i swear! theres swimming pool, gym, tennis court, badminton court, basketball court, tuition centre, supermarket, dental care, restaurant all within the premises of the condo! siao one. and not like his house v small. 2000sq ft ley. outside the window can see palm trees, near the sea. he can rent out as resort already. LOL. aiyohhhhh. i want a house like that too!

kay coming back. so when jhong&wk reached, we headed to bedok inter for dinner. TIM DROVE! hahahah. he just stole the car keys and drove us there. LOL. exciting uh. i think he too xing fu already, thats why abit deprived of excitement in his life. lolol. so yeap. ate, and met joanne thr then drove back. played poker, bacarat, dai dee & some stupidly hard frog game. LOL. thats where i died i tell you. the stupid tiao jing shui LI.

yeap. so after the frog game, i died. LOL. i think i drank too fast la. its a consecutive wrong thing you see. so yea lo. hahaha. horrible feeling. so yeah. rested & everything. i remember being angry w jhao for waking me up w his horrible noise. HAHAH. it took me so hard to sleep lo! then he went around haolian-ing to people about his pri sch friend that lost mayb 200kg of fats in his face of something then wake me up. hahaha. something like that la! but it just irritated me at that point of time. LOL. so during the night, kelvin and bob came.

morning we played bejeweled, bacarat, poker & daidee. oh tim's mum made us breakfast too! brunch, at least. hahaha. SO NICE OF HERRR. she so cute uh, keep telling us how tim got to be his size. LOL. i think she got shocked when she saw edric and wk. hahah. so skinny. yeap. oh and i think wk edric jhong kelvin went down for basketball, then swimming and lastly sauna. shiok ah. only know how to enjoy life. hahah.

so yeap! thats about it already. played till around 2plus 3 then headed home. now im going to finish up my sip report finally. hahaha. goodbye!

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