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Saturday, August 01, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)
I HAVE JUST PLANNED MY STUDY TIMETABLE! now its a matter of following through.

now that i planned it all out, i realised we dont exactly have a lot of subjects to study for ah. all the more should score well right. hokay. i shall do my best. & score 4Zs. HAHAHA. crazy.

i have a dozen things to do, and i must make sure i do it tmr. first, reformat my pooter. secondly, complete all my tutorials. thirdly, start studying. i dont know why. i feel so.. out of place now. GAH. im just plain bored i think. but i dont have any wish to start on any homeworkkkk! this is stupid. im sleeping my life away! OMGGGGGGGGG. i need to buck up. the feeling of exams havent even hit me yet. WAKE UPPPPP! ):

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