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Friday, July 17, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)
a quick one hereee.

its a freaking bloody tiring week! this whole week has been projects projects and more projects. monday was.. as usual, a lecture day. tuesday was project at huishan's house! we did until 7plusplus i think. then wednesday! its cra project cos presentation was the next day. so we did & did cra alllll the way up till 4plus 5 i think. then while waiting for wk, i did a little research on our soce, but failed to understand anything that we havent already otherwise understood. hahah. quite annoying. so thursday was the longest day EVERR. i reached school at 1030, & xm's btm class ended just at that time. went to join them to practice a little and everything. so much for timing ourselves! we went in, he said. class, you can take your time actually. i wont mark you down even if you overrun. HAHAH. so we all took our time & didnt rush. haha. our Q&A sucked thou. he asked on corporate governance, which wasnt my part, and i couldnt help at all. i felt so useless all of a sudden. haha.

ANYWAYS, ya lo. after cra, which was 1, we went for a quick lunch at biz park, then headed to do project already. submission date was fridayyy. did in the library till 9, got chased out, went to outside LTs, saw 6 AA groups in total there. HAHAHA. so we just joined them & everything. everyone pretty much left at around 11, with the last bus-es and everything. i was pretty much tempted to cab. actually more of decided. with the severe headaches & gastricitis & everything. oh i forgot to mention that none of us had dinner. haha. SO, i got my dad's permission to cab, which equals reimbursement! hahah. but ended up wk's parents gave me a lift also.

reached home at around 1130. bathed, grabbed a quick bite, then slept already. AND I OVERSLEPT MY AA LECTURE THIS MORNINGGGGGGGGGG. & when i msged huishan, she told me the deadline's extended to monday, 9am. HAHA OMGGGGGGGGGGGG. ALL THE RUSHING AND 11PM FOR NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGG. but nevermind. we're still going to submit today. haha. okay. i shall go prepare and get ready for more projects already ):

GOODBYE. pray for me.

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