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Sunday, July 12, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

since i was waiting for my hair to dry, i figured i could use the time to upload the photos, since i wouldnt have time the coming week. and who knows, FACEBOOK TAKES FREAKING LONG TO UPLOAD! lol. my hair's already dried while waiting for it to load. but anyways, while waiting, i decided to update here! finally an event for me to blog about. HAHA.

kay so i headed to wk's house in the afternoon. first i went out happily & all. got onto the bus, got settled, then started daydreaming. & then, it occured to me that i forgot to bring his shirt for him! lol. so i got off the bus & cabbed back. lucky i wasnt far from home. by then i was already running so late! im supposed to reach by 1130, but i was just going home to get the shirt at 1140. haha. so yup. rushed home, then he told me not to rush cos we had to wait for junhong too & he wasnt going to be done so soon! hahah. so i took my time, & sat a bus there. reached, then waited for his mum to get ready & fetch us to the Singapore Botanical Gardens.

we met the rest who were there earlier. edric, ann, bob & gz. junhao and kelvin arrived later. then the games started! some played bridge, some played mahjong, some played frisbee! of cos there wasnt much photos on the games part cos everyone was busy. hahah. we just grabbed a few pieces of bread here and there, the chips.. drinks.. yup! it was fun! hahah. then we ended with us all playing mahjong, with everyone getting so excited and all. i helped junhao play, and i am proud to say i did not lose money. HAHAH. infact i won so much lah. he owes me a treat. hahah. he won 12bucks okayyy.

then around i-dont-know-what-time, we started to head off. but we stopped by the pond first! to feed the fishes. i bought 2 mega loaves, or whatever you called it. but we finished only 1 loaf! so the other half of the loaf was used on fishes. HAHAH. im sorry i was having too much fun, so no pictures, yet again. it was funnily cute. next time you should all try just dumping one whole piece down instead of breaking it up. its funny (:

then edric went home to get changed and all since we were going town to meet the rest. we headed out slowly, resting and taking photos along the wayy. & obviously cos the camera was mine so most of the pictures consists of the both of us right. so DONT COMPLAIN. hahah. i filtered anyways, for facebook. (:

took 7 after arriving at the bus stop. we were going to the cathay! went astons. we started queuing at about 6plus, then people started to arrive. first jon then josiah&joanne and finally edric. so total, we had 13 people! haha. got our seats at 7plus then ate. after eating, the usual camwhoring sessionnn. haha. so yup! we stayed and made quite a lot of noise then got chased out. HAHA. so we paid the bill and headed for SMU. went to the basement where there was aircon, settled ourselves comfortably, and handed jon his birthday present! lol. not that it was much of a surprise anyways, which was the boring part. he already knew what it was la. haha. so boringgggggg. so yup. we stayed there to chat and all, then 9plus wk's parents kindly offered to give me a lift, and kelvin too! since he lived near them. lol. so i reached home at around 10. bathed, watched teevee, chatted awhile on the phone, and here i am! so the pictures would be on facebook, so im not uploading any here.

i think i must learn to have more tolerence already. haha. but you know ah, when it just keeps coming back to you repeatedly, its really hard not to lose your cool. ESP at this time of the month. your emotions get outta control easily. HAHA. i should talk more to myself. analyse more. dont be so hot headed. ahh. yeah maybe.

oh and, this is how i am. if you arent happy, too bad. just shut up and get on with life. you wont be a major part of mine anyways (: some people just dont know when to keep their mouths shut, you see.

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