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Tuesday, May 12, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

haha i know i havent blogged. but but. things are not so interesting noww. the above is our present class's first ever class photo! haha. yea i know. quite early for us to take pictures like that. it was kinda random today at apel lesson though. we were doing some team game thing then it ended as a photo taking session. hahaha. i think Ms Christine Cheong is cute. as in, adorable. hahaha. not a bad teacher la. her qualifications justifies them all. lol. maybe just a little mundane, but i think she's a very nice person. :D

so yup. tutorials are pilling up already. esp CRA. i just dont have any intention nor will to try open my book and complete it. its freaking tough. even AA is getting tougher. with all the FRSes and everything. tax is still manageable at the moment, but im taking a longer time to finish already. i dont like this feeling of work undone. it makes me feel guilty about doing other things. but i just dont feel like doing it! mid sem's 3weeks away. i need to study, and understand. which means, completing tutorials.

i need more time. more self discipline.

The Past | The Present
Template by Nurah. Tuto from WA. Icons from Pixel. Music by Yonghwa. Colour from HTML
