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Sunday, May 17, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

it feels so longgg these days. okay so anyways, an update.

wednesday was nothing much. i went home early! for like, the first time since school started. haha. i dont want to hang out late already. its distressing how papa knows my class only lasts 2hours yet i get home at 11plus EVERYNIGHT. without fail summor. okayyyy. projects are starting too. dont think we'l go out that often alr also. lol.

thursday was to guozhi's house for mahjong. yes i fed like a dozens man tai there. bao summor. HAHA. im traumatized already. first time i did that in my whole life. so yes. im going to quit mahjong from now on. not that i was an avid gambler, but i still enjoy playing. HAHAH. seriously! though with guozhi being my classmate a little tricky, im going to overcome this. lol. okay. i amend my sentence. im going to quit playing mahjong WITH MONEY. hahaha. so this doesnt stop me from having my usual mahjong sessions with my family. LOL. its like, one of the really few items that can keep us together as a family. like playing games and everything. obviously we dont play monopoly anymore right. korkor will be more interested in dota, papa&mama more interested in their recently-hooked-on korean show. HAHAH. its Mr Good Bye, by the way. lol. okay random. but thats about all. then we left guozhi's house at 930, supper at 85, then home.

friday was a longggggggggg day! first there was AA lecture right from the start at 9am. then, a group of us were supposed to be meeting mr tansicheong for revision lessons! but due to miscommunication, some didnt know, some thought was cancelled, some didnt bother to bring the lecture notes. BAHH. so yeah. we didnt go in the end. i feel so bad. lol. like, he was kind enough to provide and we put him on an aeroplane. SORRYYY ): so yeah. it was changed to next week or something. so off the few of us went. me, guozhi, ann, minghua & junhao went to tm in search of food. ended up at macdonalds! AND AND AND. the cup for the week was in PINKKK. hahaha. so we all upsized our meals for 50c and got a cup! :D then ann&minghua left for home, the 3 of us went to CS arcade for junhao's car racing game of some sort.

I THOUGHT MY LEGS WERE GONNA BREAKK. hahaha. the both of us just literally stood there for half an hour to 45mins just watching junhao and other random people play. so yeah. soon guozhi left for his haircut then jh&me headed back to school. reached school at around 2 and found the rest slacking at biz park. they were edric, josiah, eric and alex. we were supposed to wait for joanne cos she had OSIP interview. so yup. played with joanne's brother's psp and whiled our time away. left when she came. headed to payalebar to meet edric's sister while josiah left. gz joined us thr too after his haircut.

YADA YADA. so we met his sister, and it was a lonnnggg lonnnggg looooooooooong walk to her office. hahahah. i do hope my office in future doesnt require me to walk so far! i might just take a cab already. so yeah. reached, then we started the briefing on job scope and everything. dragged awhile, but we were soon done! it was raining heavily outside by that time though. so we took a cab to go meet junhong and ken and The Cathay! haha. we initially planned to watch Angels and Demons. but sadly there werent any tickets, not counting those with front rows left only, that is. so yeah. after much deliberation, we watched Uninvited. had subway for dinner, and headed for our movie. it was alright la! haha. a typical movie lo. so yeah. tell you the ending then the whole show also no need watch alr lo. hahaha.

headed over to the tauhuay place after movie to slack and everything, then they were talking about going to a pub. called edric, and they were going too, apparently. so we went to BK to wait for them. but when he and his friends came, i think not many of us were keen on the idea. hahaha. so we didnt go with them. headed home at 11plus!

saturday was nothing much. evening was over to edric's house for trying on her sister's clothes. HAHAHA. the job required us to wear cocktail dresses, which neither joanne nor i had! lol. so no choice but to borrow. tried and tried. found something suitable. lol. so yea. was actually heading down to astons at The Cathay, when papa called to say our post Mothers' Day Celebration was postponed, yet again. hahah. cos mama's not feeling well. yup. lucky i havent board train yet. lol. so i went home where they cooked porridge. yup thats about all.

today's the event itself! im going to meet edric and the rest at 2pm for lunch then head over to Swiss Hotel already. lucky me. i dont know how to get there. lol. okay! im going to go repaint my nails now, which were spoilt overnight ): wonder what i actually do when i dreaming. OKAY. goodbye.

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