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Thursday, May 07, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

i missed youuuu. lets really really meet up soon alright!
:D :D :D

aand SHAR! im so so soooo sorry.
really sorryyyyy! haha. hoped you spent it well with your potong pasir. :D

today was to school for CRA lab lesson, followed by an outing to celebrate ken's birthday in advance! his is on 8th. lol. which is actually less than an hour away. so yeap. as the others still had classes, me wk ann gz ken headed to 85 for lunch, then to gz's house for mahjonggg. crazy rules. haha. so hiong. kay then as we whiled our time away, it was soon 4! the rest finished their lessons and we headed over to marina square to meet them, with junhao joining us halfway.

reached, met, and we went to buy tickets for Star Trek. ITS DAMN FREAKING NICE I TELL YOU. haha. a MUST watch. personally, i think X-Men actually pales in comparison. not that i think it was that fantastic from the start too, but yea. haha. so back to the topic. we bought tickets, and headed to Pasta De Waraku for dinner. walked around basement for awhile then headed to the cinema for the movie.

after it finished, we walked around in search for a toilet. after that we decided we should get a cake so us girls went off in the other direction with the excuse of needing another toilet trip. hahaha. quite obvious though. i think ken ah, is worse than me at noticing his surroundings. hahaha. quite funny. yup! got a slice of cake from cafe cartel, then met the guys at KFC.

surprise surprise! haha. then sang birthday songs and everything. gave him his present, an iPod Shuffle. hahaha. HE LOVEDD IT. he was just so blissfully in shock. a joy to see! its glad to see he liked it. hahah :D

took a few more photos and everything here and there, then it was home sweet home! yeap. thats all. photos with jo's camera. i forgot to bring mine! hahah. will update again when i get them. (: tmr's 9am! haha. im so dead. ciaos!

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