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Thursday, September 18, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
okay. rested enough. shall blog now.

oh btw, theres this dog howling. mama says its been howling every day and night since sunday already. wah. listen alr will heart break. no idea. think the dog's left at home alone or something. SO POOR THING! stupid people. i cant even have a dog when i want to and now they're leaving it all alone. mama's been complaining whether to call SPCA or not. LOL. hilarious.

so i went for T03's chalet. feels more like a clique than class chalet thou. lol. kay lets start with monday. woke up at 7, went for ig meeting at 9plus, followed by bintan briefing at 12. we were abit skeptical about the postionings but yea. haha. we shall have a talk about that soon enough. lolol. all of us decided to go for the titanus and typhiod jabs after bintan briefing, since we were going straight for the chalet later and wont be free for the next few days. its a CHORE to travel all the way down again you know! but whatever. so yeap. one whole big bunch of us. lol. wah damn dumb i think. cos normally when u have jabs, you naturally look at where they're jabbing. and usually, they tell you to look in front and NOT look at where they're jabbing. BUT THE DOCTOR DIDNT TELL ME THAT! so i just continued looking while she jabbed both my arms. : haha.

headed off to whitesands after that with junhao&xiaomin. went to shop for our chalet bbq stuffs at ntuc. took about an hour or so. then we headed for aranda to check-in. damn funny. because we only had one guy to help, plus the fact that all our arms were aching like shit from the jabs, we pushed the ntuc trolley all the way from whitesands all the way back to aranda. HAHAHA. damn cute please. lol. so yeap. checked-in, then went up to the room. #2313. when we reached, 3 of us chionged for the master bedroom then plopped down on the queen sized bed. WAH. DAMN SHIOK. the aircon v cooling also. lolol. 3 of us lied down on the bed and refused to budge. LOL. but in the end also dragged ourselves up and went out again. haha. walked back to whitesands to return the trolley then cabbed down to loyang point for Sheng Siong. got some more stuffs there, then went to food court to have our first meal of the day at 5pm. haha. how cool.

cabbed back to aranda, then rested. AHHH. damn nice. cooling. we 3 shared the queen sized bed. but they kept scolding me! cos i slept in the center, so when i moved and accidentally hit xm's injured arm, she scolded me. then cos she scold me, i moved a little more to the other side and hit jh's also injured arm by accident. HAHA. in the end all kept scolding me. lolol. hilarious. so we slept there and waited for the rest to come. vanessa was the first to arrive, at 7. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! damn late la! lol. so we chatted and waited for the rest to slowly come too. soon enough people came, and we started the bbq at close to 8pm. : but okay la. not much. just sat there chatted and stuffs. mh&ann were still upstairs preparing and cutting the stingray. when they came down, they very kindly brought a surprise for all of us! haha. minghua ran damn fast down and caught junhao unaware with one plate full of whipped cream :D I WAS JUST STANDING BESIDE HIM PLEASE. lucky i run fast. hahah. but obviously minghua himself also tio quite alot, so they both went back up to wash up. obviously when they came down, both had handsfull of whipped cream, AGAIN. hahah. and obviously, fast reactions help. i escaped, yet again. hahah. ann wasnt so lucky thou. junhao chased her like mad. and she had a hair-ful of it. LOL. funfunfun! (:

bbq-ed till quite late around 10plus 11, then people started to leave. cos they werent staying and wanted to catch their last buses/trains back. soon joanne&the rest of the guys came also. haha. they were hungry, i suppose, so i left the bbq pit and food to them then went upstairs to bathe. the rest of the guys were upstairs gambling already. poker, blackjack and texas hold'em poker. funny. gamblers. lucky i forbade mahjong. if not i think they'd be stuck there all night. haha.

so the first night was mostly spent drinking and gambling. xm's vodka was finished in one night. hahah. bet she's damn happy. most of them were kinda dead at around 2-3am. so one by one, they left for the room. cant really rmb what we did. all i rmb was we were only left with me, xm & edric. we on-ed the tv and watched channel news asia at 6am. HAHA. damn funny. but think that was what triggered me to sleep. monotonous voice. lolol. slept on the marble flooring. damn cold. almost froze to death. woke up at 7am. by then those who slept were either awake or left already. so i went inside to take their places. lolol.

slept till around 12-1pm in the afternoon. THEY CALLED FOR THE MAHJONG WHILE I WAS ASLEEP! haha. so in the end, all stuck to mj. zzz. knew it. hmm. cant rmb how lunch was settled. OHOHOH. edric wk & jh went out, then they bought back for us. haha. yeah. chicken rice i think, if im not wrong. yeah. ate, then they continued their mahjong. xm&me went inside since we were feeling tired. haha. but in the end also never sleep lo. we started talking, then never stopped. lolol. quite funny actually. but, yea. haha.

was feeling extreeeeeeeeemely bored so we both deicded to make full use of the vouchers given to us. haha. had 4. so xm, me, edric & wk went out. fantastic facilities they had there. i think even jubilee's arcade can win them. wth. haha. pathetic. so we headed over to eHub's arcade, then pool. haha. but awhile only la. didnt last long. quite bored also. so we went back to chalet. but came out again also la. dinner. lol. went ntuc after that with xm to get cup noodles for later, since we didnt eat. went back, mahjong-ed, played some prophecy game, then truth or dare. haha. our aim was the truth, so the dare was only to drink wine. damn funny. we used a dice to decide, so everyone was praying for the dare. lol.

got bored, then went inside the room for htht. quite funny. all the life stories. haha. even our parents's stories were taken out when we ran out of topics. lolol. soon, one by one, all fell asleep. last people standing were me, edric & junhao. coool. 3 or us went out at about 5plus in the morning thou. edric didnt eat dinner too and was feeling hungry. haha. yeap. so went to macs. came back at around 6plus 7. laid on the sofa in the living room for like awhile and fell asleep. HAHA. funny. woke up at 9plus then got ready to check-out.

yeap! thats all for chalet. but dammit. most of us are sick. not to mention xm's got chicken pox. HAHA. damn random. think junhao&joanne must take care. later cannot go bintan. lolol. currently my fever's at 37.8 degrees (: not bad la. improve already.ytd was 38.2 degrees. haha. but the headache's still as bad. sore throat gone! hooray. (:

went out for a little while just now. woah damn hot. cannot take it. went to amk hub for a walk. lol. blow aircon. wanted to buy shorts thou. ended up with a top and a belt. wth. haha. i realise i always dont get what i set out to get. HMM. even my wallet. okay la. i saw one, which i liked. but dammit. 90bucks. haha. and i spent 70 on the top and belt already! HMMM. okay. i shall consider (:

kay enough. damn long already. lol. FYI, the dog's still out there somewhere howling. been hearing it all day already. maybe i'l call SPCA later. problem is, dont know where the sound's coming from =S nevermind. shall see how. the dog damn poor thing lo. it sounds like its crying ):


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