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Tuesday, September 09, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
yesterday was kelvin&junhao's 18th! dammit im jealous.

went out in the afternoon. met junhao ann jo eric & his friend. went for the f1 interview for security. i know i know. obviously its a cmi case. but please lo! im sure i'l be able to make it :D just dont make me do too many physical activities. i'l die for you to see. literally die.

very coincidentally, i met HUANG MENGZHOU! hahaha. omgomgomg. tooooooooones of years since i last met him please!! turns out he quit school already. wth. the last time i went out with them he was still missing practically almost every class. lol. now he's like leading a really good life. he went for lasik, which cost him 3k+ and another something else, which costs 2k+. cant rmb what it is. but! omg. its so.. luxurious. hahah. cool. but anyways, nice seeing him la, after so long. :D

went for lunch after that then eric & his friend left us for work. so the 4 of us headed down town. jo&me went shopping for junhao's present while ann&jh went shopping for kelvin's. we went heeren and bought junhao shoes! not that it was much of a surprise to him anyways. haha. so un-fun. THEREFORE, since we had 12 people sharing it too, we decided to get both of them something even more-fun! :D :D :D daaaamn funny. never ever put us both tgt while choosing presents. its turns out..horribly cute. HAHA.

met ann&junhao after like 2hours. THEY FAILED TO GET ANYTHING. lol. so we headed back to raffles city for topshop cos apparently, kelvin's a very topshop kinda person. haha. we walked into the store, saw a top, and we unanimously decided that it was very 'him'. HAHA. damn cool. walk into the shop, all of us saw the same top. coool. we got a tie for him too. how sweet of us. lolol.

went for dinner at tcc at about 5plus. CAN YOU IMAGINE?! lol. but seeing that we're only having supper at 10, its a wise decision. junhao left us for home. he had celebrations. so we sat there till about 7plus, then left for guozhi's house. mahjong! and supper too, of course.

mingxuan kelvin yoro jon were already at his house. we opened another table, mahjong-ed, then bridged. went down for supper. passed their part 1 gifts to the birthday boys, then headed home.

i dont know. it just feels..different. somehow. i dont know. im afraid of what i'l do. im afraid of what they'l think. this is crap. =S

i need my cousin! ):


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