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Wednesday, September 03, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
-TAA-DAA!- so im early! woah. damn early. its a nice change, for once. (:

my headache's still here! and its not going away! RAWRR. i dont know why and its been 2 days already! i ate panadol already, but my throat's getting dry-er. my cough's getting bad-er. my head's getting pain-er. im just praying i dont get sick-er after i come back. bummer. just when all the fun's starting. what a great time to fall sick.

met up with huikuoon ytd. :D :D :D mustve been 1198347928734035231 years since i last met her please! we chatted, abit :D then shopped around. waited with her for her bus, then walked back home. stopped by the fountain on the way. sat for about 10-15mins or so, thinking about stuffs, and maybe some people. HAHA. it was nice la. long time since i last sat quietly there alone. (:

okay. i havent even packed my stuffs for camp. HAHA. how cool is that. rigghhhto. shall go pack now. im off to camp! miss me kay. (:


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