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Saturday, September 13, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
woah. can die. i just woke up. its 11pm. sian. i slept at..845 i think. shouldnt sleep. it spoils everything. double-sian.

im wasting all my precious holidays away! i can literally feel it flowing away from me already. SIGH. not that i can do anything about it, which is what makes things worse. DOUBLE-SIGH. =/

so i didnt exactly shop at amkhub today. my aunts wanted to go town. raffles. omg. plus the fact that we were meeting at 11, i kinda already decided last night i wasnt going. didnt even set an alarm! butbut! miraculously i woke up myself at 11.15. checked my hp and saw that my ergu woke up late too, and they changed the meeting time to 12pm. HAHA. wthh. then our meeting time got delayed again till 12.15, due to miscommunication, and i went to bathe and prepare only at 11.45. xD told them i'l be done by 12.30, but in the end we met at around 12.45. they were already there by the time i reached. went fish&co for brunch. had a really nice talk with them, about whats on with korkor and stuffs. i love talking to them. hahaha. cooool. then around 1plus, we went to shop around the hub for my wallet, and shorts. walked abit here and there, bought some stuffs, then headed for bishan J8 since i wasnt in the mood for town. i just hate going town during weekends. crowds are just such turn-offs. hurhur. so yeap. went BHG first, with some hope of getting my FBTs there. but apparently, they sold SBTs instead of FBTs. O.O gave up on that then, since im heading over to giant tmr for shopping. maybe i'l have better luck there! (:

shopped around, went to levis. took loads of time trying and then decided on a jeans. then off to esprit for tops. spent damn long too. HAHA. all the clothes were sooooo preeeety! bought 2 in the end. then was to charles&keith for shoes. my aunt just loveeees that place, and i wonder why. there was this boots that was daaaamn nice. quite tempted. lolol. but i didnt get it in the end. ive got quite a number of boots at home already. BUT I CANT WEAR IT, CAN I? the fact that im in singapore just struck me. -.- my boots are worn like, less than 3 times ever since i bought them luh please. i havent even worn the grey one, which i bought like so many months ago. zzz. this is dumb.

headed back to amk after that. 5plus already. debated whether or not we should have our nails done, but decided against it. so we went ntuc for grocery shopping. yeap. thats about all. came home, watched teevee, slept. sian.

OHOH! for those phs people, i have totally no idea if you still rmb jeb. um, jasmine seet that jeb. yeah. quite random but, he signed in. i saw his nic. it says: "Why are you crying ? guess u don wanna talk to me .. i shall distant myself away from u." i meant! quite funny. the last sentence. i cant stop laughing. im sorry to be mean, but yea. okay. its damn mean. butbut! seriously, cant they just get a life? dont know. i find it very hard to sympathise with them. not in my blood, i guess. im sincerely sorry, i just cant help it. tell me im horribly mean. =S


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