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Sunday, September 21, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
HMMM. i didnt feel like updating, but then again, im bored now. therefore, thou shalt blog.

friday. met xiaoyu & ian at serangoon, collected my stuffs, then we went somewhere to sit & catch up. how nice. we planned to stay there till 6, but xiaoyu had to rush for work. it was only 5! hmm. but anyways, so ian accompanied me to dohby gauht. went ps for a little window shopping, then he went off to meet his friends. was supposed to meet edric, ann, junhao, weekwang & the rest at The Cathay at 6. BUT I THOUGHT THEY MEANT CINE. cos obviously, ive never been to The Cathay, and cineleisure has a cathay too. HAHA. quite dumb, but yeah.

so i walked all the way from ps to heeren, then realised im at the wrong place, and walked all the way back. pfft. my legs were on the verge of breaking already please! ohwell. so i reached back at ps at exactly 6. woah not bad, quite on time. met jh&ann there then they brought me to the place. alex, jon & junhong were already there. wk came after awhile, then we proceeded to buy the tickets. edric&minghua were supposed to come too! but they were delayed, i guess. so we couldnt get the 710 tickets, since it'd be too rush for those 2. got the tickets at 9 instead for Step Brothers. haha. couldnt join them for movie, cos too late already. O.O next time then (:

proceeded to Astons for dinner while waiting for those 2. woah. so long queue. queued for like 1hr+++. had to split us up in the end also. dinner was alright la. minghua was there to finish up my food, as always. (: by the time we finished t'was 8plus already. so they went 711 to get their drinks for movie while i went off. yeap. thats all, i guess.

saturday. F1 briefing. woah sian. i got posted to the grandstands. the starting point thr. ): damn hot. totally NO shelter. plus the fact that i might go deaf. HMMM. im starting to wonder if 6perhour is too little already. OHWELL. so yeah. supposed to end at 7, but we ended at 4. so cool. we're paid, you know. :D means ive got like 3hrs free. not bad. went with stella & gang to BK for drinks after the briefing. literally dehydrating already. ohmygod. damn hot. i wonder how im going to survive that day. :\ i'l drown in my own sweat, i guess.

met jh&edric at 5plus, while stella & gang left. ate kfc. :D :D :D so long since i last ate kfc already! haha. quite cool. then we sat there talking for awhile, then THEY decided to WALK to bugis. wthwthwthwth. as if i havent suffered enough for the whole day! walked to the site gates, and also walked all around the tracks trying to figure out & familiarise our directions. SIGH. reached bugis, and a spontaneous decision to watch a movie. HAHA. caught Mamma Mia! niceeee. it helped us decide what our activities at Bintan were going to be. HAHA. seriously. the flipper thing, is classic i tell you. hilarious. worth catching (:

headed over to some random-looks-like-starbacks-but-not-starbucks cafe to sit down and talk. quite funny. heaven. HAHA. chatted till 1130, then headed home. reached home 12plus. thats it.

today. nothing much. i was woken up by ian creating such a big racket in my house. ZZZ. i was sleeping mind you! didnt get to go out anyways. slacked the day away at home. OHOH. i forgot to mention, i got so bored that i went to watch HZGG again. hahah. ian was laughing nuts at me for that. bastard. HAHA. kidding la. okay.. i blogged already. dont bug me for that anymore kay! :D


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