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Thursday, September 04, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
good news. so i didnt go for camp. had a fever, so i realised, while packing my bag. bad news. my headache's still here, and i dont think it has short term plans to leave. SIGH.

but! i went out yesterday evening. lol. went out to meet eric at 6 for some job interview at clark quay. im sorry. i gave up the camp and dinner trip to geylang but i went for the interview. LOL. i guess money's a very big temptation for me. but aiya. i gave that job up anyways. they wanted like, Brand Ambassadors (BA). BUT! they said that for girls, minimum we would have to wear a freaking 4-inch heel. HAHA. i almost felt like walking off immediately after hearing that. its pure madness for expecting me to be able to wear that and walk. i mean, okay. i tried that before, once. for someone's wedding (i forgot whose). but im never ever ever going to wear that for the whole day again. my leg almost broke. blah blah.

by the time the interview finished it was around 730. RAINING OUTSIDE. omg. didnt have a brolly. saw a settlers cafe there and proceeded in. HAHA. had fun lah. played all the stupid games, then ended up using uno cards to play stress since there wasnt any poker. teeheehee. play until can die. so many cards. i won thou. 2-0. HAHA. :D :D :D

yesterday korkor's 3 friends were supposed to come stay over. 2guys 1girl. and the girl was supposed to sleep in my room. bummer. to think i went to the trouble of packing up my room. in the end the girl slept in my brother's room. apparently the 2 guys decided not to come or something. hoho. the both of them woke up at around 11plus, then korkor made french toast for her for breakfast. HMM. okay. im jealous. im unhappy. ): he used to only make food for me! butbut! sigh. ohwell. whatever. i rejected his offer of making me some too anyways. SIGH. ):

kay. so im stuck at home. BORING. i was so bored i went to bug papa about not letting me go genting with them. and he said nvm. he let me go sentosa. HAHA. like, wth. summor he said very good alr lo. got cross the sea. hahaha. so annoying. RAWRR. freaking bored. okay. i shall go central and have a walk, since its not raining already. its been raining and raining and raininggggggg. which totally spoils my mood for going out. lazy lah. weather so niceee. :D :D :D

on a happier note, they are all coming back tmr! coool. which means, i get to go out! yays!


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