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Wednesday, May 28, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
kay. so i just reached home. super tired. but i think today's studying was kinda unproductive lah. lol. too big group already. i think the next time, i'l give up and study on my own maybe. haha.

oh yea. the purpose of this entry, is to officially declare my handphone dead. zzz. after this morning when i smsed junhao, im had problems sending, and now i totally cant send or recieve. cant even type a new message. omg! okay. so if any of you wants to contact me, please call. oh and to those who've already sms-ed me but i didnt reply, im sorry. hahah. not on purpose one. its the stupid phone.

right. lets look fwd to my viewty. :D :D :D but its like super expensive. OKAY ive decided. i shall save. maybe i'l get to save enough by next year. HAHAHA. ahh who'm i kidding. i'l most prolly never save enough. lol.

enough of crap. i'l just hang around a little more, then get back to doing my bfin tut already. seriously! im looking fwd to see how our tutor is going to cram 2tutorials and 1 lecture tgt. and seeing the lecture is going to be held tmr, i wonder how the other tutorial is going to be done. =/


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