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Saturday, April 05, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
its just work work and more work. sighs. uber tired alr. I WANNA QUITTT.. but my boss's like, damn nice can. haha. they even asked me to work on weekends when my school starts. lol. howwww?? i dont think i will thou. hmm.

感谢天,感谢地。 感谢命运,让我们相遇。自从有了你,生命里都是奇迹。多少痛苦多少微笑交织成一片灿烂的记忆。感谢风,感谢雨。感谢阳光,照射着大地。自从有了你,世界变得好美丽。一起飘泊一起流浪岁月里全是醉人的甜蜜。海可枯石可烂,天可绷地可裂,我们肩并着肩手牵着手。踏遍天涯,访遍夕阳,歌遍云和月。感谢你。

tmr's 11am。byebye


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