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Sunday, March 30, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
MUHAHAHA. im back to revive this stupid place.

im SUPER SICK of my job alr. T.T yesyes i know. its still the perfect job for me as compared to the others.. but! thr's like, no internet there. ): im boredddd to death. was actually debating ytd whether or not to go today. then mama told me.. "dont go la! ure paid by the hour anyway. wont make a difference." hahah. see! ive got supporters (: andd taadaa! im on supposely medical leave ((:

remember i said i had a wireless mouse? IT DIED ON ME. damn sad can! T.T it has battery, and it has light. but somehow, the stupid thing cant sense the port and renders itself useless. i hate the touchpad. so inconvenient. tsktsk. i hope it gets well by tmr.. =/

oh and i had the WIERDEST dream ever. lol. firstly, i dreamt that i duno had a quarrel with who, just beause of some really insignificant matter. then i went to watch a movie, with the other person in the theater next door. sat beside this old lady and her husband.. she was telling me about how she had similar experiences and i had the right to get angry. hahah. then um, somehow i ended up ouside, hailing a cab. told the cabby uncle angmokio. then he brought me to some hdb flat, where i saw the person i quarrelled with with another person. so i told the uncle its blk 311. on the way there, decided to stop halfway at some building. i think at that time korkor woke me up to ask me what i wanted to eat, then the dream was distrupted. LOL. hahaha. cos the next i can rmb is me n alicia at some side gate of the building, sneaking in. we were at this lab.. then we snuggled out some LIZARDS. cos i think they were being used for some duno experiments, and we were trying to save them. ahahahahaha. so with ppl chasing us trying to catch us, we snuggled back out by the same way we came in. if i didnt remember wrongly, i was carrying a rectangular pail, supposedly containing the baby lizards. but it had all crawlled up onto my arm. hahah. when we were out, i hailed a cab. then alicia was arguing with me that a bus is cheaper. cos she got bus stamp. LOL. and when we were going to go up the bus, i realised i didnt have my wallet nor my ezlink with me. somehow, it ended up with the security guard. hahah. then we went to the general office, where one lady walked out and passed me my ezlink. she said my wallet was with the security guard and was more difficult to get. when i asked her who she is, she said she was my father's sister's mother. and oddly enough, she became my father's gugu(aunty). i mean, thinking now it should be my father's mother which is my grandma right. hahaha. so she made me sign a few papers so i can get my wallet back. one of them included barring me from ever signing up for any NTU courses. omg. i was totally devastated. i was practically crying while signing the papers. oh and, to add on, the building was NTU, i think. hahhaa. then i cant rmb what really happened aft that alr. (:

LOL. okay. i know some parts doesnt really make sense, but! its a DREAM okay. dont expect too much sense to come outta it. hahhaa. sucha long dream. no wonder i slept till 3pm in the afternoon. haha! seriously. i got a shock when i woke up to see my clock pointing to 3pm. i thought it spoilt in the middle of the night or sth. lol. i broke my own record. seeing i slept at 1plus 2 yesterday, ive had more than 12hours of sleep. ohmymy. that goes to see how hard i was working all along (: there were still other things that happened in my dream. but somehow i cant fit it into any of the scenes above soo, yea. hahahhaa.

think my blog's getting abit too worddyy for my liking. shall post some pictures (:


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