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Monday, March 24, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
superr busy these days, which i dont understand why. =/ im like, practically out everyday man. hahah. ONE MONTH ALR!! omgg. im only left with another month of my holiday, which is supposedly going to be devoted to workingg. not bad la. it starts at 12pm okay!! and im doing cashering and data entry. ohmymy. just the perfect job just for me. sit in aircon whole day and i get to start late. plus its near my house. i like! :D

finally got some REAL shopping done today. hahah. so many shopping trips and i didnt get to buy anything. and once i start, i spend like water. =/ spent almost 200bucks today. went vivo with alicia. we watched Rule #1 also! hahah. quite nice la. its supposedly horror, but not exactly like ure normal horror where someone with long hair crawls outta the tv scaring the hell outta you. theres abit at the front, but other than that its okay. it has a plot to it. notbadnotbad. you should catch it (:

after that went over to workplace to settle some stuffs, visited aunty's shop. headed home aft that for dinner. actually, quite okay lah. seeing its been like, a gazillion years since i really went on a shopping spree.. hmm.. should be alright, i guess. hahah. self-consolation.

KAY. thats all for today. shall update again, when i find the time and the correct things. teeheehee. byebye.


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