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Wednesday, March 12, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
sms for examination results are out. i didnt know we had to sign up again so i didnt get mine. i'd have to wait till 12am to know. omg. im like, super scared now. really really scared. everyone seems to not do as well as first sem. *gulps* with the exception of jo thou. she scored 2Zs, 2As, 1C+. her gpa is 3.917 i think. damn good score. freaking nervous now. practically shivering. ok partly cos its raining like nobody's business out there and not to mention a fan at speed3 not rotating and blowing directly at me BUT! im still really really scared.

someone help me T.T
i'l have to stay up till 12am tonight to wait for my results.
i swear i'l spam the f5 button until my page loads.

ok i think i must believe in myself.
and relax.

*breathe in
*breathe out


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