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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
i started out with enthusiasm. faced obstacles. experienced betrayal. and its at a total disappointment stage now.

timetables released today. checked timetable. alright la. so i dont really wanna change classes as much as i thought i would. i was blessed, you can say. for a class as that. loved them. truckloads. the new class. i dont know. but i forsee trouble. you can call it my sixth sense. ohwell. just hoping my results wont fall. pleasee.

school's reopening. everything seems so, unimportant to me. the fact hasnt struck me yet. or maybe u can say im moodless. too many things happened alr. omg. im getting emo. wth.

oh and,

thankyou thankyouu weekuang for the lollipop
thankyou thankyou charmaine for the gift
:D :D :D :D :D

righttt. sem2. cant slack on any of the syllabus anymore. there goes my fa. ): i want another slacking subject. okay. i'l get mama to teach me CAS. then i wont study that hard for it already. (:


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