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Sunday, July 01, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
hahs. today ended up in a failure. hmms. real sorry to peishi thou. my aunt was jus..acting wierd today. ah wells. i cant say im v sad that it didnt go thru or whatever..just..disappointed bahs. yea. ohwells. i'l do btr nxt tym. (: jus feelin real sry to peishi. tts all. SORRY GIRL! =X

mms. think its cos they dont like me to be in this business bahs. they think its real hard to like, sell it off lo. yeahs. so they were jus kinda..making things a lil' hard. sheesh.

alrightto. i seriously think i nidta slim down liaos. -.- ive been eating n eating non stop and my face is getting rounder n rounder. AHHHH~! and ive been eating kfc for 3 consecutive days already. HAHA! bu fei cai guai. omg. all the mash potato.. all the fats. its like, 100% fats la. OMG. sighs. but my mouth itchy maa. cant help. it jus cant stop moving. LOL. xD

hmms. lets see. an update of my results..my commskills&econs. haha. i got like, 70 for commskills also. omg. the 70 curse. haha. but i got 85 for econs thou. my first A. HEES. im proud of myself. joanne&ann were like going, CONGRATS!! u broke the 70 curse. haha. but heard our a&f batch highest got 96. piangs. is that even what a human is supposed to be scoring?? haha. ohwells. we're a&f. we're SUPPOSED to be brainy. rwahahahas. thats why, I AM BRAINY. =DD lol.

rightt. enough of self praising. friday we went for the business annual general meeting. recieved our cert there. haha. seminar took quite long. mm. but got shuaige see. so nvm. HAHA! really ma. the ex-president. mm. v cute. haha. he was even eating a sweet while giving a speech la. so funny. he kinda reminds me of joelang thou. lol. its soo... 'joelang pattern' lo. hahx.

aft the meeting, went eating dinner with the buncha them at kfc. mm. felt so much like sleeping thou. zzz. slept at 3 the previous night cann. so obvious wiu feel sleepy mahs. (: i was playing with them jiandaoshitoubu oso! omg. n my hand sorta..turned into how it would look like when it became sunburnt. LOL. its was lobster-cooked red OK. omg. i was being abused. haha. call police. i cant believe i lost os badly lor. i lost to charmaine, josiah, taohuay&leon. omg. i practically lost to everyone i played with. T.T luckily i smart. i chose the left hand to get beaten. haha. if not i surely die sia. crippled. lol.

oh ya. talking about sku, sians. tmr onwards jiu cant sleep in liaos. cos actually this whole week had my mama to fetch me to sku cos papa on leave, so car was free for use. mm. tmr onwards jiu no hab liaos. n its back to the 7pm waking time.. BORINGG..

hmms. pondering over some stuffs too.. what if its true? mm. i dont know. haha! craps. wouldnt this world b so nice if all the 'what ifs' existed. lol. xD

jus realised i havent finished my POM tutorial. lols. rights. im off to do them now. haha. cyas. byes. lovesyaall (x

p/s: below are jus random photos. some were like, super long ago ones. enjoy (:

this was the group photo..taken on friday aft the investiture (:


guozhi. SO CUTE RIGHT! i tie one!! lol. =DD

in the toilet.

my group, left to right. leslie,jon,alex,joanne

me&jo made the hearts using straws. the guys joined it to form this. haha. fen gong he zuo (:

guozhi's tiles. if i nvr rmb wrongly. so nice right. lol. too bad he nvr win.


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