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Sunday, June 10, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
now here's a summary of my week..


had microecons test. sighs. i spent my whole weekend on that, bombarding everyone about loads questions on super chim stuffs too. in the end, NONE CAME OUT. sighs. the focus was on the introduction. omg. to think i woke up at 4am to study. zz. owells. aft exams went home. didnt study thou. i watched bleach till bout 12plus, decided i was tired, and went to sleep. haha. woke up at around 3pm and got about to study. didnt last very long thou. couldnt yield temptations and went back to my tv at around 5. watched till bout 9. omg. im soooo dead. continued studying till 11plus then went to sleep.


woke up at around 4am again. 'cos i had the back part to memorise. was meeting the guys at around 8 at sku. so, went out abit earlier. realised sth thou.

in the very early mornings, there aint really much people at the bus stop. really!!! normally there'l b like sooo many ppl vying to get on the bus with you cann. in the early morning its just a pathetic few. zz. and when its a double deckered bus, the actions the adults display is worse. i usually sit on the top, so its like, if the top is full, the adults will just stay there & not go down. like, i dont get it. do you want a seat THAT BADLY?? will it kill for you to stand?? anyways, you are not allowed to stand on the top cann. omg. like so throw face can. omg. its sucha typical singaporean behavior. *kiasu. just like in mrts. they'l jus rush in like nobody's business once the door opens. like, hello? if we dont get out you oso cannot come in right?! will it kill you to stand?! anyways, the seat wont DISAPPEAR kays. like wait for us go out awhile wiu die liddat. zz. i soooo hate this kinda ppl. wth.

alrites. enough of digression. so for POM, i was super angry also. the focus was more on the introductory part. and the part where i got up to study at 4am, onli came out in ONE pathetic question. to add to it, it was an MCQ question. .. OMG. i soo felt like slapping the stupid setter's face. lol. wahlau. i focused alot on the later part ok. sorta expected the focus to b there. owells. then aft exams, went with ann to see a doc, then went TM to eat. then a super *suay thing happened.

i boarded bus 22 back tt day, 'cos i was at TM ma. it was a direct bus. yeaps. the journey was peaceful. UNTIL it got to my stop. its like, reaching my stop already. so i pressed the bell. ok. then i got up, walked to the door. then, the uncle SUDDENLY BRAKE. omg. i wearing palms can!! where got friction one?! luckily i grabbed onto a bar laa. if not i think i fly all the way to the front le ok. BUT STILL, i fell. OMG!! SO EMBARASSING!! it was a single decked bus summor ok. wahlau. then i faster got off the bus & walk away v quickly. HOWEVER, the worse was still to come. it was only when i got home then i realised my knee was bleeding. SO PAIN!! sighs. then i just washed it myself & put some cream for burns. lol. that was the onli cream i had. owells. it was a torture bathing too ok. super pain when it touched water. AHHH!!-

in the end, didnt really study much for CSA, the nxt paper. zz. IT WAS SOO NOT MY DAYYYYYYYYY..


wore a SUPER baggy&long pants to sku, cos of my knee. sighs. cannot help ma. must wear long pants to cover up wound. cannot wear too tight cos it'l touch the wound. so ended up with a super baggy & loose one. wahlau. i think one pull my whole pants can drop le laa. and thanks to joanne, it almost really did. lol. she was like, pulling my pants the whole day, hoping it'l drop. haha. cos she said it was realllllyyyyy baggy. sighs. owells.

then as usual, aft CSA, the whole buncha us went to TM for lunch. ohyea! they wanted to go someone's hse play mahjong too! haha. cos we dont have any exams on thursday, so they wanted to play. BUT, it was sorta too short notice so nobody's hse was available. haha. in the end, we satisfied ourselves with TM's arcade. lol. planned to watch movie thou, but the guys were too intrigued in their games, soo, yeap. haha. the funniest was when we were playing the table game(u know the game where there'l b a big round flat thing then u hafta try hit it into the hole at each end? i dont know wad its called. haha.) and also when the guys were playing the electric shock game (its sth like the game where u hafta guide a metal rod in between two lines then u cant touch the sides cos if u do u'l b electrocuted.) super fun!!! too bad i forgot to take pictures. haha.

aft tt, we all went home. and then, i took to bus 22 AGAIN. this time, i didnt fall. (: BUT, the bus broke down 4 stops away from my home. omg. wahlau. i really have no fate with bus22 kays. haha. my fren said its 'cos i pao qi 22 for 25. haha. so rubbish. but anyways, good thing wad. i earned a free ride that way. (: cos im not on concession already. daddy said i'l b on holiday so waste money. yeaps. its true laa. BDN, expensive leh. adult fare is superrr expensive can! i one trip to sku oreadi 1plus going 2 le. come back jiu about 4 le kays. omg. i miss my concession.. ):


hmms. didnt really do much thou. pretty much watched bleach&full house the whole day. lol. onli got one word. BORING.


funny thing happened. i was all along on the same bus with xiaotian and i didnt realise that. found out that he was there ONLY when it reached our stop and we both stood up to get down. LOL. you shoulda seen our faces when we saw each other ok. haha. we were practically going "what are you doing here?!" at the same time. lol. super funny. owells. had FA. omg. i think im sooo dead. okok. touch wood. i want to pass!! i can do it de! (:

after FA, we went to bedok interchange there the market eat. 'cos we were going guozhi's hse for mahjong later on maa. so bedok interchange is nearer. yeaps. ohyeaohyea! i ate cheekuay at the market there. it was super nice la! haha. really. no kid! (: bdn, wasnt really hungry, so i wasted the last one. lol. aft tt, proceeded to guozhi's hse for the MAHJONG SESSION! =DD

people who went included me, joanne, ann, gina, amanda, eric, hoishek & of cos guozhi. yeaps. think thats about all. haha. hope i didnt leave anyone out. oh ya. jonathan&alex joined us for lunch at the market too. bdn didnt come for the mahjong session cos they missed their dota. lol. yeaps.

had loadsa fun. really. indescribable fun. haha. bdn they all left like, quite early laa. firstly was amanda. then joanne. haha. oh ya. we ordered canadian pizza tooo. =DD we sorta pissed the delivery man thou. cos we were in the room ma. then making alot of noise too. so we couldnt hear the doorbell. when we got out, the delivery man was nowhere to be seen. haha. then when we finally saw him he gave us a super black face. LOL. but the pizza tasted real nice thou. mayb it was partly cos of the people i was sharing it with. haha. we all gobbled the pizza down like, really fast. haha. i ate two ok!!! omg. record. ive always eaten most one half onli. haha. and i stiu didnt feel really full after two pieces. omg. haha. i seriously love you guys. i dont know why. its jus sooo fun being with you peeps. (:

THEN, THE WORST CAME. guozhi came back with a bottle of vodka. haha. then eric started mixing it with 7up to drink. knowing me, i surely drink one. haha! cos papa usually don allow me to drink maa. i oso nvr drink b4. sooo...haha. i drank! lol. i think i seriously onli drank like, one quarter of the cup laa. and it was diluted ok. there was no way i could have gotten drunk! seriously. i where got so lousy lo. i jus got a little too high thats all. i could walk in straight line ok! and i could rmb everything too. haha. then i rmb i was like irritating guozhi, ann and hoishek all the way. lol. said all kindsa stupid things. owells. haha. aft tt i felt tired. slept abit, then woke up with a dizzy head. omg. lol. the high-ness wore off too. partly cos i was feeling really sleepyyy..

aft i woke up, they the four of us went to blk 85(if im not wrong)the market there eat dinner. didnt really feel like eating thou. no appetite. bdn dono who ordered bachor mee for me. haha. think its guozhi. thanks (: think its cos they were worried aft seeing me feeling so moody&tired bahs.. yeaps. haha. the bachor mee was nice thou. really. i very rarely eat that one. but that one was nice, thou i couldnt finish it. told u i no appetite le maa. owells.

aft dinner we took bus 17 i guess. back to tamp interchange there. but i took the mrt. cos i donwan take bus22 again. haha. cos very long leh. 1hr bus ride. if i take mrt onli 40mins. yeaps. reached home real tired. plopped off to bed the moment i got out from bathroom. haha.


mann. i just hate it. now im like, AUTOMATICALLY waking up at 9 liaos. omg. why is this happening...?!?! sighs. then woke up and watched winx club on kids central. haha! i like that show thou. (: dono why. ehh i like watching barbie too lo. i jus find them nice. haha. DONT CALL ME A KID! im not. i jus like those shows (:

then went outta hse at 11.30 to meet my aunts at amk hub for lunch. i didnt eat thou. cos i jus ate at arnd 10plus onli. my breakfast. haha. so i jus watched them eat while playing with my cube. (: aft eating went to harbourfront to meet my another aunt with her 2 kids. aww. they are SUPERR CUTE CAN!!!! seriously. 10 outta 10 kids are cute la. morever, they are super guai one. not the irritating types. haha. omgomgomgomgomgomg. so kyyuuutttteeeee.. so long since i last saw them laa. haha. owells. (:

we shopped around abit. then went for tea break at sushi tei at around 4pm. haha. the two kids were super funny thou. the things they said when they were eating. mann. they are jus soo cute. =DD oh ya. then the bill's number oso very nice. $98.98.
haha! so funny right. the number. 98.98. wahh. can go buy 4D. lol. ok lame..

oh ya, the two boys oso got balloons from some car roadshow going on at vivo ma. bdn aft we went toysRrus and they got their new games, they immediately dumped their balloons to us. lol. wahlau. then i looked so wierd can. carrying two big balloons with me. haha. so typical of kiddies la. xi xin yan jiu. lol.

a funny thing happened too!! haha. cos i was walking with one of my aunt behind ma. my 2other aunts&the two boys were walking infront. then suddenly this guy rush out from nowhere say he's from wad trans world artiste wad thing.(its the normal kinda modelling agency stuffs la. u get loadsa those in orchard)then he was like blabbering on and on until he noticed my aunt standing beside me. then the guy was like, look at my aunt ; look at me. look at my aunt ; look at me. and finally he said, "IS THAT YOUR MOM?!" HAHAHA! i was seriously laughing like hell ok. haha. my aunt isnt even married for goodness sake. funniest thing was cos my aunt recently curled her hair ma. then is those kinda messy messy curls cos her hair too short i think. so ive been saying she looks like those kinda gui fu. and there was this guy saying she was my mum. HAHA! omg. i couldnt stand it. i jus stood there laughing. hahahaha. i think the man wanted to continue talking, bdn my aunt was offended. haha. she was like going, "sorry we're in a hurry" then she jus walked off.. hahaha! when i told my 2 other aunts they were also laughing nuts. hahahahah. seriously. it super funny can. lol.

owells. i didnt really get much from the shopping trip thou. onli bought one top. ): BUT, i got to go to marks&spensers to get my piggy sweett!! contented. =DD


stayed at home whole day. omg. soo freaking hott!!!! ahh. im soo melting can. sighs. alrights laa. its already a superrr long post. yays. im going out with dear tmr too (: happy. its been suuuupppppeeeerrrrr long since i last saw him can. mm. but not really sure laa. he said his frens asked him to go sentosa thou. i didnt feel like going sentosa thou, so i asked him to go with his frens. cos we can arrange another day de ma. yeaps. we're only going for a movie wad. anytime oso can de. lol. bdn, not confirmed yet. ahh wells. feel so bz. haha. monday going out with dearr, tuesday gotta go sku do project, wednesday going out with yenfenn they all for shopping spree. aww. plus they say gonna have another mahjong session. LOL. man. my schedule's so packed. haha! tsktsktsk. im sucha bz person. LOL. ok la. enough le. v lame. haha.

omg. i just realised. i spent abt 2hrs plus typing this whole post laa. haha. wow. record sia. heh. alrights la. i think i'l stop here for now. i got pics to post too!! bdn now v late le leh. tired tired. this post oso v long le. think i'l post again tmr with the pictures (: nites everyone. lovess- xD


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