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Wednesday, June 13, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
sorry guys if im not replying your smses or calls.
im just..not in the mood for anything.
but i need to stop cooping myself up at home..
ask me out!!
i need fresh air.
i need the company of you guys.
i need to clear my head.
i need YOU! ):

shall post the pics as promised.

the black thing is alex, if you were wondering.

alex copied me.

bryan. he looks so squashed.

shawn. he's the younger one.

babies are seriously the cutest&purest thing on the face of earth. they wont hurt you. they onli bring joy.

men in white. its hilarious. should go watch.

weikang. figuring the cube.

anyways, hoped the pictures brought a smile to your face.
ive calmed down alot.
im just feeling,
unusually empty now.
like, mood-less.
i dont feel happy, nor do i feel sad.
i just dont feel anything.
dont like this feeling.
hope it goes away.

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