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Slow and steady wins the race
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)


I didnt even know i had this bear-bear loh. my dad one day found him wrapped up in the storeroom. he took it out, unwrapped it, and said:"I give this to yongde (baby cousin) ok?" I WAS LIKE, WHAT?! NOWAY! such a big cute cuddly bear that i only now know existed, and he wanted to give it away?! think again. hahah. so thats how he ended up staying w me. he even has a permanent seat in the most comfortable chair in our house! those sofa roller chair kind. hahaha. dont know why also. i was watching tv in the dining room one day, and bear-bear was on that chair. my dad wanted to sit, and i told him thats bear-bear's chair so he has to take his own. i said that more to irritate my dad actually. hahaha. then somehow since then on it belonged to bear-bear already. till this day! hehhhh. cute hor <3


i really think i got artistic talents for drawing hearts. ive been doodling hearts on my notes since poly. and occassionally on others such as jo and shar who unfortunately sits beside me hahaha. its not everytime i succeed in stealing their papers long enough to draw also! so yehhh. i still rmb where i drew this loh! in my ISORG notes, during the last lecture haha. it was ultra boring i tell you.

let the mugging begin. i hope i can wake up on time ):

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