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Monday, March 07, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

Ive been dreaming so much its not even fun anymore! hahah. i dream like 10 times a day! LOL. okay not literally, but i do dream more than once during the night! and its draining all my energy ): dont know why also.

oh and the funny thing is, im not even dreaming of day to day matters! the situation in my dreams are more like movie HAHAHA. serious! its like this interesting plot just waiting to unfold. not action, not drama, but just a normal plot. like a movie! lol. and you cannot BELIEVE how many dreams i dream in just a night! =s didnt even realise until now how much creativity i had in me! HAHAHA. i sleep at 3-4am, wake up at around 10am (marks the end of my first dream), go back to sleep, wake up at 12pm (marks the end of my second dream), go back to sleep and finally wake up at 1pm (marking the end of my last dream). this is just crazy! HAHA. and somehow, my dreams ALWAYS end when im getting to the end of it! ): oh and, dont bother asking me about my dreams. cant remember a single one of them. all i know is i get so excited in my dream cos its getting to the good part, then wake up so disappointed and sweaty! LOL. the downside is i get so drained of all my energy when i wake up! ): the fact that i wake up at 1pm everyday with a splitting headache doesnt exactly help tooooo~ ):

HE IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE RIGHT! i know. absolutely ADORED THAT OUTFIT! HAHAHA. i went around pulling that tail of his until one strand fell off LOL! he was so frigging cute in that zebra outfit! we taught him how to say zebra, he said bra. say police car, he said car. say ambulance, he said am-lan. SOOO CUTEEEEE~ you have no idea how many times i got scolded for pulling his tail hahaha. cos when he walked, i'll pull his tail to drag him back, so he cant move. SO ADORABLE! i know i used this word like a thousand times already, but he is just too cute for his own good! makes me want to kidnap him home HAHAH. AWWWW! (:

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