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Information Overload.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
I AM SO BORED! nothing to do, literally ): so i decided to come here and rant.

You know today was just this one big interesting information overload day. Had FR prelims today, so I went to school. Met one of my aunts at the busstop at like, 850? And her reporting time to work was 9am HAHA. She is just so adorable I tell you. Self declare 930 then start work. Hahahah. Sometimes I think I connect better with her than with my mum man, same thinking LOL.

So anyway, went to school and had my prelims. Crazy paper. There were 7 questions, out of which we had to do 4. Did the consol question, and couldnt find anymore to do HAHAHA! Fail seriously. Did 3 questions and I was on the verge of dying! Especially the translation question about temporal methods. IT KILLED ME LITERALLY! So I was yawning and thinking which question I should do next and there I saw JAMES KWAN standing right at the door staring at me HAHA OMG! What rotten luck I had man. I was sitting in front near the door and first thing he saw was me yawning and not scribbling furiously. ): SO DEAD for the revision lectures ):

Finished my paper, left about an hour early and I went home! On the bus I overhead these people talking about the FR paper. Apparently JK went to the library to chase and interrogate people as to why they were not taking the prelims. Crazy! And you know how we always wait outside the exam hall for our friends if we left early? He saw those people and went up to ask if they were that confident about the paper. Hahaha. They were saying that JK was marking them for the next revision lecture already. They are so dead man.

Met my dad at central market for lunch. YONG TAO HU! The best man. Im not a yongtaohu person, so this has got to be the best. Downside is its never ending queue. ): seriously! Its forever that long loh. Literally. So we were there eating, and this cousin(super not close, but i know of his existence) came around to say hi to my dad! So then we were just randomly talking about his age, my other cousins(his siblings) and everything. Then I found out my cousin(that cousin's eldest sister) that I lived with under the same roof for 16years wasnt my cousin! LIKE, OMG. Apparently she was adopted. =|

Just the other day my mum let slip that my grandad that passed away was actually cheating on my also dead grandma. Apparently just a week after my grandma passed away, my grandad went to brazenly invite the other woman over. I know my grandparents had a bad relationship with each other since I could remember, but I obviously wasnt inclined to think that way! I always thought it was just something that came with old age, having gotten married at 16, i thought they were just sick of each other or something. What a relevation.

This is just so...so much drama! Its like a crazy family drama lol.

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