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The Revival
Tuesday, March 01, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

actually ive been thinking for quite some time about coming back here to blog already. wanted to wait till I found a new blogskin, but turns out I cant wait! HAHA =x quite a few events happened, making the situation so much more... deja vu. its so similar it freaks me out! hehh. so yep. for all the reasons more than one, ive decided to come back, so here i am! TA-DAAAAA~! :DD

ive got quite a number of things to update, more of pictures actually. BUT IT IS SO FRIGGIN' TROUBLESOME TO UPLOAD PHOTOS HERE! minus the fact that it looks so much nicer here, I wouldnt actually be back hahah. soo yep!



isnt this just awesome! HAHA. its a ONE-FOR-ONE DAY at Macs! so cool! i didnt know macs had buy one get one free one. kelvin came home with these two precious little things and we're like, WHAAAAT? hahaha. yep! i know the barbeque sauce is pathetic comparatively, but hey! at least he remembered i take barbeque! (: AND he took 4 okk. i used up one before i remembered to take photos hehhhh =x

SO, im actually supposed to be mugging like crazyy since my prelims are umm, next monday? hahahaha. but im not studying! i officially give up. theres just not enough time to complete anywaysss! but im still going to study, at a leisurely pace, to prep myself for the mains. its like i forgot how to study lohh! ): everyday sleep and slack only. sigh. OHWELL.

kay, that sums it up. im gna go search for a awesomezx skin nowww! hehh. :D

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