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Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it’s even harder to give up when you think it’s everything you want.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)

its an eventful day! hahaha. so many things happened that i want to blog about im so scared i'l forget to type it in! LOL. lemme thinkkkkkkkkkk.

okay for one, i went out todayyy for lunch! if you didnt already know, my bolster of twenty years got ripped apart! ): dont know whose head i was trying to rip off while dreaming. maybe its hs. HAHA! im kiddinggggggggggg! heeeeeeeeeees (: SO ANYWAYS, i wanted to get a new one! then daddy brought me to ntuc to choose my bolsterr! hahaha. SO EMBARASSING I TELL YOU! i mean, i dont want the big bolsters, cos its too big! im used to the smaller sized bolsters. and because of that, we had to go the the children section! hahahaha. i had to constantly keep saying out loud it was for a baby at home, not for myself. LOL. paisehhhhhhhhhhhhh lah! plus it was the first thing we grabbed! so i carried my bolster walking around the whole of ntuc. :| OMG! hahah.

so cute ahhhhh! those are like, mini bolsters. i waaaant! ):

haha! i told you it was embarassingggggg!

but it was funn actually. hahah. i never went grocery shopping w daddy before! we got like, everything we needed within 15mins. WOAH. if my mum was there, i think we'd take at least an hour. haha! okay hmm what elseeee. OH YAA! before we went to ntuc, we bumped into my brother at hub. he was w a girl, alone. LOL. damn funny. we said our hi-s and bye-s, then daddy turned to me and said "那个谁来的?没有看过 hor " hahaha! then he started making plans for the interrogation already tgt w my mum. LOL. i think quite funny. but now, he's not even home yet! and both my parents sleep alr. hahaha. i was saying he's going to avoid them. lol! its going to be so interestingggggggg! i missed the last time they interrogated him about the girl he brought back. and i have a feeling im going to miss this one too! since im going out tmr ): AW MAN! )::::::
wa the eyes so cute )::::: its like an alien! reminds me of that Monster Inc. show somehow. haha! )::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LOL

i was talking to junhao the other day. haha! he had guard duty, and was bored, so he called me to chat. reception was horrible. lol. anyways, wa! i didnt realise guard duty so shiok one. hahaha. i mean, except for the fact that you wake up every 4hours or sth la. its like, you sleep for 4hrs, do guard duty for 2, then rest for another 4 until daybreak. i always thought you had to like, stand there the whole night without moving or something. lololl. OHWELL. pros and cons i guess.

ey i have more to say actually! some funnily interesting thingsssss. hmm. but i cant rmb already! !@#$%^& SIGHHHH. i guess i'l just leave it at here. bubbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

am i thinking too much? yes i am. just dont think, everything will turn out well. (: [ I HOPE SO ]

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