Promises promises..
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
i actually just realised that i missed practice again on saturday! HAHAH! so early hor. heeeeeeeee :D im having second thoughts about joining at all alreadyy. concert's in nov, practices only start now! plus its once a weekkkk. where got enough time! PLUS, i missed 2 already! hahah. so hard to catch up. lazy luhhhh =x we'l see how again next week. lol (:
OH YA. speaking of practices, my daddy was being very funny the other day. i was just randomly singing, as i usually do at home, then he suddenly said, "Why not I send you for singing lessons lah?" HAHAHAHA. i was literally stunned i tell you. i stared at his face for like 10seconds then asked him "you siao ah?" LOL. really! hahahahah. i told him arbo you give me the money go shopping. after i finish shopping then i come back and sing for you again. everyday sing also can. hahahah. daaaaamn funny. then he was like, "im serious!" lolol. crazyyyy. dont even know where he got that thought suddenly. i asked him why and he said, "cos mummy wants to be 星妈. WTH. craziest reason ever please. & i thought i was crazy enough! hehhh.
&&&! today i have some peekturezxzxzx! :D :D :D
ask me for tissues! im going to forever bring them! (:
THIS IS HILARIOUS. we were playing, then these were the cards left in my hands. HAHAHAH. damn funny i tell you. laugh until i roll on the floor. hahaha! no kidding!
kay its already 1.20am! when sw gets back w more pictures from the previous outing i might post them! afterall its all on fb, abit stupid to put here ah. hahah. see how laaa! nightnight everyone! see you in piggyland! :D