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Right or Wrong?
Saturday, August 14, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)

i just typed a load of crap, deleted it, retyped, then deleted. HAHA. i read through and decided it was redundant you see. AIYOH. end of story, it just boils down to one single thing. Nobody in the world has the right to point a finger at anyone else and say "this is right/wrong". dont ask me what that means, i dont know. i dont know what i want, dont know what to expect. or rather, i dont even want to harbour any expectations. Period.

SO, LONG TIME NO SEE! i havent blogged since the start of the week i guess! hahah. okay lemme think. Tuesdayyyyy. i got to meet up w the rest of the clique! namely, edric, joanne, guozhi, hoishek, josiah, junhong and ann! *thinks reeeeeeally hard* okay i cant remember really clearly, so i'l try my best. hahah. we met up at about 1 at marina to eat. oh ya we ate Carls' Junior! yepyep. ate till around 2plus, then guozhi joined us. we wanted to watch this this this this..........dance movie. HAHA. i cant rmb laaa. but then there werent any slots available i think. so we decided to head over to dohby to check out! afterall they have like, cathay+gv. lolol. so yep! edric being in the process of transforming into a man decided to make us all walk w him. HAHAHAH. damn funny i tell you. the difference between army boys and non-army boys. we walked to this traffic light, but it was red. so have to wait ma. all of us stopped at like a little further from the junction, cos it was shaded by the trees (3pm in the afternoon you know! hawwwwt!). then edric one person walk in front just stood in the sun waiting for the traffic light to turn green. LOL. we were all laughing at the difference! ahhhh. (:

after like a dreadful half hour of walking, we realised we were walking the totally opposite direction! HAHAHA. apparently we were all so engrossed in our own individual conversations that we didnt realise it sooner! okay maybe im a little to blame. jo&i were walking in front, kinda. but they didnt stop us! so we just kept walking straight. hahah. OHWELLL. we found out that we were pretty close to Bugis though! lol. guozhi was hungry, so they decided to go eat the chicken rice. didnt manage to find it, and they settled for this beef noodle store instead. like funny only! at the beef noodle there only guozhi ate, one big bowl of noodles. walk out, go to the chicken rice store just next to it, then guozhi & edric both ate chicken rice. LOL. like whaaaaaaaaaat?! guozhi just ate like a few seconds ago and edric ate not long too! like, 1hr ago. hahahah. BOYZXZXZX.

eat eat eat eat eat, then we decided to have some fun! since we were most prolly not in time for movie anymore. hahaha. headed to Minds Cafe opp Pomo. made them all play Monopoly Deal w me. HAHAHA. the whole 3hrs we just played Monopoly Deal. hahahahahahaha. IM SORRYYYYYY! eh but you cant deny its fun right! lolol. so nice to have 7 people play tgt. your birthday already 14m in pocket alr! HAHA :D

happy hour there ended at 6, so we paid and left. walked to Cathay and had Astons for dinner! ann joined us then after her work. ate chat talked, then someone came up w the brilliant idea of going to jh's house. YAY! so off we went! not bad what. he could fix the Wii on the spot and return it to me(hopefully). but in the end! its still at his house status quo. ): hahaha. we just kinda played Band Hero the whole time. so funny! i dont even know whats the diff between Guitar and Band Hero! i typed Guitar then rmbed its actually Band. hahah. so dumbbb. everythings the same luh! cheat me only. lolol. played till around 10plus 11 then we went home!

i guess you could say Wednesdayy and Thursdayy werent happening at all. hahah. i just stayed at home and anime-ed. BORINGGGG. Friday was more interesting! i met the IG people for dinner! again! hahah. but as usual, without josiah, AGAIN! ): baka. next time dont ask you out alr. hahhaa. everybody come tell me you anti-social ah. LOL. we were supposed to meet at 7, but by the time everyone got here it was already 8plus! had Manhatten for dinner. took LOADS of peekturezxzx! hahah. so long since i spammed taking photos! lucky no ugly ones. hehhhh.

somehow i think its quite funny. HAHA. i was staring at stella cos of sth she said i think.

walked around, got their stuffs and everything. then it was 10plus already! hahah. it was like, Friday the 13th PLUS 7th Month. i think everyone wanted to go back early. LOL. no la im kidding. but yep! went back, bathed, anime-ed, slept! and today's saturday already! i keep thinking today's sunday, yesterday's saturday :| hahah whats wrong! i think stay at home too long i lose track of time. LOL. okay nothing more. im gna go nowww. bye! (:

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