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Slow & easy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
im in the middle of downloading songs for daddyyyy! and its taking soooo friggin' long! dont know why, so i decided to come here and update whilst waiting! (:

dont know if you can see it clearly. but so expensive hor!

found this when i was trying to clear my pooter of rubbish. haha! ayeee. school's going to start soon! cant say im especially exhilarated at that, but at least its going to be a brand new beginning! (:

time time time. ive calmed down, thought a lot. theres just these times in life, where you just feel terribly tired. and i think this is one of the times for me. luckily for this break, i had the time to really slow down, catch my breath & reflect on everything. its the time to remind myself to not get so impatient, not get so rash and just quietly listen. its an achievement for me to do that actually. and because ive accomplished that before, i dont think its actually impossible for me to do that again. i think the point is just to constantly remind myself to keep cool. to take things slow&easy. theres no need to rush, because we have all the time in the world. take your time to slowly look around your surroundings and try to look beyond the surface. a human face encompasses many emotions, and hides as many. yeh thats kinda the moral of the story. (:

i think im hunching my back too much already. please remind me if you see me hunching ever again when you see me. slap my back, literally. hahaha. im serious! nobody to remind me i keep hunching, later i become hunchback ): okk thats all! btw, I WANT PHOTOSHOP! anyone who has the crack or anything please kindly give me ): i wannt to playyyyyyyyy! pweeeeeetty peekturezxzx! :D

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