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Monday, September 27, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
Standing at a crossroad, it splits two ways. One is dark, another is bright. You know the bright road is the right way, but it requires you to leave everything you have behind and venture into a totally foreign environment. The dark one will be hard and arduous, but you have the benefit of safety. You know you will be safe hiding behind all the walls of your possessions you built.


the frequent stayovers has taken its toll on my body, my skin and my health! my pimples are popping like machiam free oneee hahahaha. siann. school isnt good for my body i tell you, and i mean it literally! lol. im not eating as frequently as im supposed toooooo! when i have morning class, i skip breakfast. when i have afternoon classes, i sometimes skip both and just snack inbetween. and then sometimes when my classes end too late, i eat my lunch late so i cant eat dinner when the time comes! in the end, i just end up skipping my dinner and wake up feeling suuuuuper hungry in the middle of the night ): then with all the stayovers, we eat supper at like the odd-est timings. maybe 8plus 9 eat dinner, 3plus eat again, then morning 7plus eat again. i go home, sleep like the dead and wake up in the evening and end up skipping lunch. THIS IS NOT GOOD! )))):

sigh. i need someone free enough to keep reminding me to eat hahaha. later i will forget, then end up feeling suuuper hungry in the middle of the night again. maybe i should go out for supper more often. ask me out ask me out HAHAHA. no i actually dont think i will go, but nevermind you can try lol. it makes me feel better.

okk. tmr's morning class. sigh. i just remembered i didnt do ANY of the research i was supposed to do. think i'l just read through the pages tmr on the bus. hehe. hopefully she wont catch me. so funny. we keep saying the FR person might be Koh Hwee Jeng's wife. exactly the same i tell you! keep going overtime, talk and talk and talk only. pattern also the same one. HAHA. so badd =x i pray she gives me a bible at the end of the term can already. i'l be more than happy LOL.

kay off byeeeeeeeee~

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