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Back to school
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
for those who didnt already know, school started for me already! ): during the holidays i was thinking it was a little too long. NOW, i suddenly regret all those times i wasted just sitting there doing nothingg! HAHA. ohwelllll.

today was so funny. my first lesson for today starts at 12, but i woke up at 9. so i watched teevee, used the comp and then prepared to go out. when i really went out, it was 11. AND I REACHED SCHOOL AT 11.25 HAHAHAHA. i have no idea why! but anyway, so yes i reached school half an hour early. i copied down my timetable to my organiser so i referred to my organiser to see which class i should go. it stated 1.11, so that was where i headed. since it was the first class for that module, there was supposed to be people outside giving out our bulk notes, but there wasnt any when i reached! i thought i too early loh. so i just went right in.

THE MOMENT I WENT IN ALL THE EYES TURN TO STARE AT ME. i thought how come sia. since it was early, i went out to buy food and lucky i texted to ask amanda what class it was HAHA. turns out its the wrong classssssss. she texted me the right class and i headed upstairs. i was outside 4.02 and it was already 11.45 at that time! then still dont have the person outside giving notes loh. i thought how come so late. walked into the lt, and then i happened to see this person carrying a RMIT file HAHAHA. i was like, WHY ARE RMIT PEOPLE APPEARING HERE! but amanda told me its 4.02 mah so shouldnt be wrong right! to be safe i called her to ask if i was right then she said its 4.20 LOL. turns out is i see wrongly! ): msg also see wrongly. by the time i got to 4.20 it was already 11.50 lo. hahaha. what a badddd way to start my dayyyy!

the beginning of this week when i had my first lesson i also went wrong lt. hahaha. my organiser writes 3.19 but i somehow saw 3.14 LOL. i walked in 3.14, sat down, then saw the big big projector in front showing Human Resource Management. then i was thinking, my HRM not tmr meh? the first lesson i was supposed to have is Financial Reporting you see. hahaha. so i checked my organiser, and i was in the wrong lt! the professer already start his lesson, so i pretended to be on the phone as i walked out HAHAHA =x so paisehhhhh! on the first day first lesson somemore. aiyoyooooo.

speaking of that, i havent completed any of the research i was supposed to doooo! ): i think i was right not to schedule any lessons on friday. haha. 2days of weekend rest where got enoughhh! ): ok thats about all. haha. bye.

btw, i have a PINK keyboard now. HAHAHA! (:

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