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The smell of your skin lingers on me now
Monday, September 06, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
i was just randomly scrolling through all the past posts on this blog. and look what i found!


LOL. there are just so many drafts inside i tell you! thats the result of posting and deciding to un-post it again. hahah. altogether there's like 630 posts i think (not including this one), and out of that, i think about a hundred are drafts! HAHA! :D

anyhoos, today i made the decision of using the moolahs already. hahah. seriously, hated the guy. but whatever. s'long as i get my end product! (:

OHOHOH. i wanted to blog about this too. haha! i just discovered this "Stats" function. yeh i know, after like, 6years of blogging, i realise it only now. hahaha. but like cool lah! it tells you how many people visited your page(today,yesterday,this week & etc), where they linked from, what browsers they were using, what OS they were using, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, what country they were from! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I HAVE OVERSEAS VISITORS! :D like cool ah! hahaha! i thought they would be like my cousins overseas or something, but no! i have 6 from US, 4 from Canada and 1 from Denmark! obviously its most probably they accidentally hopped onto my blog, but its still an exciting fact! LOL. :D

hey, im going international. HAHA. (:

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Template by Nurah. Tuto from WA. Icons from Pixel. Music by Yonghwa. Colour from HTML
